Chengdi Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction


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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 1

Brochure ShenzhenChengdiTechnologyCo.,Ltd.

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 2

Switching Output Allmodelssupportswitchoutput,with optionalNPN/PNPoptions. RecommendedMS30series,highcost performance Analog Output MS31,33,36,and39seriessupport analogoutput(1-5Vor4-20mA)with2 switchoutputs. MS39seriesanalogvoltage correspondstoadjustablepressureand canbecustomized

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 4

MS-30Series Productadvantages Highqualityandcompetitiveprice 3coloranddualdisplay,clearer Newstructuremoresavespace Newunitdisplayfunction,moreintuitive Addedbuttonlockicon Optinal parts for purchasing separately 1.Metal mounting bracket - L style:XP-BT-01 2.Metal mounting bracket - Z style:XP-BT-02 3.Panel adapter(have protective lid):XP-PA-01 Remarks: Please refer to page 17 of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory AdvantagesShow Minimalistdesign Unitdisplayfunction Theunitisclear,thereadingis fasterandmoreaccurate Morelogodisplay...

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 5

MS-31Series Productadvantages Morefunctions,strongerperformance 2waypressureswitchoutputs+1analogoutput Meettheneedsofmultiplescenarios Optinal parts for purchasing separately P:-0.101~1.000MPa 020-2PNPOutput+1analog 021-2PNPOutput+1analog 1.Metal mounting bracket - L style:XP-BT-01 2.Metal mounting bracket - Z style:XP-BT-02 3.Panel adapter(have protective lid):XP-PA-01 Remarks: Please refer to page 17 of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory Blue DC Orange AIO White OUT2 Black OUT1 Cable with connector AdvantagesShow SUPERSPEEDmode Comparativeoutput...

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 6

MS-32Series Productadvantages SupportMODBUSstandardprotocol Keep1pressureswitchoutput "Industry4.0",smartmanufacturingrstchoice Supportremotereadingandsettingoperation Real-timemonitoring,quicksetting Output Port Optinal parts for purchasing separately 1.Metal mounting bracket - L style:XP-BT-01 2.Metal mounting bracket - Z style:XP-BT-02 3.Panel adapter(have protective lid):XP-PA-01 Remarks: Please refer to page 17 of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory Hostcomputer MODBUScommunication Canbeset,readandotheroperations Time Comparativeoutput

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 7

Repeatability ResponseTime Temperature Characteristic WorkingEnvironment StorageEnvironment PressurePort Weight Accessories

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 8

MS-33Series Productadvantages TheshellmeetstheIP65protectionstandard Thesensoradoptsastainlesssteeldiaphragmand canmeasuregeneraluids Withanalogoutput,itisconvenientfortheupper computertoreadthepressurevalue Optionalreinforcedprotection,capableof measuringcorrosiveuids Rs485communication,supportingremotemonitoringandcontrol ProductSeries PressureRange Optinal parts for purchasing separately Remarks: Please refer to page 18 of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory Hostcomputer MODBUScommunication Canbeset,readandotheroperations Time Comparativeoutput

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 9

NPN : openCollectorPNP:openCollector Max . load 100mAMax . load 100mA Max . supplyVoltage 30VDCMax . supplyVoltage 24VDC ResidualVoltage≤1.5VResidualVoltage :≤1.5V Repeatability ResponseTime Temperature Characteristic WorkingEnvironment StorageEnvironment ProtectionLevel PressurePort Weight Accessories

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 10

MS-36Series Productadvantages Waterproofdesign,protectiongradelP65 LEDintelligentdisplay,easytodistinguish Outputcurrentsupto200mAallowcontroloargeloads Newunitdisplayfunction,moreintuitive Multipleoutputsforindividualcontrolofmultipledevices Built-inover-currentandshort-circuitprotection Built-inautomaticfaultdiagnosis,faultcodealarm Output Port Optinal parts for purchasing separately 1.Metalmountingbracket-Lstyle:BT-121 2.Metalmountingbracket-Zstyle:BT-131 Remarks: Please refer to page 19 of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory Blue DC Orange AIO...

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Repeatability ResponseTime LCDDisplay Temperature Characteristic WorkingEnvironment StorageEnvironment Weight Accessories

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 12

MS-38Series Productadvantages SupportMODBUSstandardprotocol "Industry4.0",smartmanufacturingrstchoice Supportremotereadingandsettingoperation Real-timemonitoring,quicksetting IndicatorAccuracy0.5level,Repeatability±0.05%F.S.±2digits Output Port Optinal parts for purchasing separately 1.Metal mounting bracket - L style:XP-BT-01 2.Metal mounting bracket - Z style:XP-BT-02 3.Panel adapter(have protective lid):XP-PA-01 Remarks: Please refer to page 17 of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory Hostcomputer MODBUScommunication Canbeset,readandotheroperations...

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 13

MS-39Series Productadvantages SupportMODBUSstandardprotocol "Industry4.0",smartmanufacturingrstchoice Supportremotereadingandsettingoperation Real-timemonitoring,quicksetting IndicatorAccuracy±0.5%F.S.±1digits,Repeatability±0.05%F.S.±2digits Output Port Optinal parts for purchasing separately 1.Metal mounting bracket - L style:XP-BT-01 2.Metal mounting bracket - Z style:XP-BT-02 3.Panel adapter(have protective lid):XP-PA-01 Remarks: Please refer to page 17of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory Hostcomputer MODBUScommunication...

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 14

SpecificationModel MS38P (HighPrecisionAnd HighPressure Model WithstangPressure NPN : openCollectorPNP:openCollector Max . load 100mAMax . load 100mA Max . supplyVoltage 30VDCMax . supplyVoltage 24VDC ResidualVoltage≤1.5VResidualVoltage :≤1.5V Repeatability ResponseTime Temperature Characteristic WorkingEnvironment StorageEnvironment

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Chengdi  Digital Pressure Switch Product Introduction - 15

MS-39Series Productadvantages 0.01Kpaaccuracy "Industry4.0",smartmanufacturingrstchoice Supportremotereadingandsettingoperation Real-timemonitoring,quicksetting Analogvoltagecorrespondstoadjustablepressureandcanbecustomized Output Port Optinal parts for purchasing separately CE:-10.00~10.00kPa 1.Metal mounting bracket - L style:XP-BT-01 2.Metal mounting bracket - Z style:XP-BT-02 3.Panel adapter(have protective lid):XP-PA-01 Remarks: Please refer to page 20 of this manual for installation instructions and illustrations of each accessory Blue DC Orange AIO White OUT2 Black OUT1 Cable with...

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