Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series


Catalog excerpts

Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 1

Royal Technology- High Vacuum Metallizing Equipment Large Batch, Fast Cycle, High Yield BbicoKOBaKyyMHoe oSopyflOBamie /yin Mera/vuraaiyni KOMnaHMM Royal Technology Ea/ibwafl naprkin, EbicrpbiM ljmk/i, Bwcokmm ppxop, Royal Technology has designed, built and installed over 100 sets of thermal evaporation coating systems worldwide, encompassing a variety of applications and industries, such as: • Automotive plastic exterior/interior trims •Vehicle lightings and components • Commercial, industrial and residential LED lighting reflectors • Cosmetic packages • Glassware and mirrors • Electronic consumer products • EMI shilding and NCVM films • Toy parts and sporting goods • Home appliances of washing machine and various accessories of furniture • Fashion, clocks and watches The PVD metallizing process gives the objects a high shiny, reflective, metallic look which can be in different colors. Only to name a few, in many other areas PVD vacuum metallizing processes are continue to be used and developed in the coating industry. KoMnaHMri Royal Technology pa3pa6orana, nocrpon/ia n ycraHOBM/ia 6o/iee 100 KOMruieKrc® cncreM HaHeceHnn noKpbrruM c TepMMHecKMM McnapeHkieM no BceMy Mupy, oxBaTbiBaromux paa/iMHHbie o6/iacrn npMMeHeHkin n oipacnn, xaKne xaic • n/iacrMaccoBafl OTfle/ixa urtrepbepa/aKcrepbepa aBnoMobnneM •ABTOMo6nnbHbie cjrapbi n KOMnneKrytomne ■ KoMMepnecxne, npoMbiiuneHHbie m m-rrepbepHbie CBerofluoflHbie ocBerme/ibHbie npn6opbi •YnaKOBKa ppn kocmcthkm ■ CreKnriHHafl nocyqa n 3epxana • 3/ieKrpoHHbie narpedwre/ibCKi/ie TOBapbi ■ EMI 3KpaHnpoBaHne n NCVM n/ieHKn ■ CocraBHbie Hacru nrpyiueK n cnopruBHbie TOBapbi ■ EbiTOBas TexHMKa, Me6e/ibHan cjjypHMTypa n paanMHHbie axceccyapbi •Mofla, HacreHHbie n HapynHbie nacbi B npouecce PVD-MeranniraauMM n3fte/infi npMo6peraior GnecrrniyiM, orpaxraioiiLMM, Meia/uiMHeaaiM BHeuiHMM bma c uimpokmm A^ana30H0M uBeroB. Ha3BaHbi Bcero nmiib HeKoropbie, bo mhoihx npymx odnacrax PVD npouecc BaxyyMHOM MeranniraauMM npopp/DKaer Mcnonb30BaTbcn, n mnpoKD pa3BMBarbcn b siaxoKpacoHHOH npoMbiumeHHOcni.

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Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 2

Total Coating Process 06uuim npouecc HaHeceHM}! noKpbiTMJi i^f fltswg ROYAL TECHNOLOGY TpaAiiiyiOHHbiM npoqecc Vacuum Al Metalizing PVD Deposition in Chamber UVTop Coating Top Coating+ Vacuum Al Metallizing PVD + PECVD(HMDSO) Process in Chamber 1. Base Coating 2. Vacuum Al Metallizing 3.Top Coating PVD + PECVD(HMDSO) Process ALL FINISHED in Chamber BaxyyMHafi Mera/uiM3amut Al PVD-oca>KfleHMeM b xaMepe HoBeMuiMM nepeAOBOM npoqecc noflno>KKa BaxyyMHan Mera/i/iM3aMivi A1PVEH-PECVD (HMDSO) MeroflOM b xaMepe 1.6a30Boe noxpbiTvie 2. BaxyyMHafi Meia/i/ni3aqMflAl 3. BepxHee noxpbrnie npoqeccbi...

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Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 3

How does the ionized Argon remove the contamination on the surface of work pieces? KaK MOHH3MpOBaHHblH apTOH ypjVUKT 3arpfl3HeHMfl c nOBepXHOCTH 3aroTOB0K? Low Pressure-Figa Conclusion 1 The quality of metallizing film in high vacuum pressure is better than in low vacuum pressure. 2 The At bombardment to generate a plasma area to remove contaminations, improve the adhesion between substrate and coating material. 'Evaporation Souse

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Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 4

TexHMHecKne xapaKiepiicriiKM Description KaMepa oca>KfleHHfl mm cplOOO x B1000 01400 x B1800 01600 x B1600 01800 xB2000 Machine configuration dedicated to customer requirements, the fixutring design and workshop layout plan supports from Royal Technology.KoH(|»irypauii5i ycraHOBKU b cooiBeiCTBUM c Tpe6oBaHnnMM 3aKa3HMxa, pyaaSiH xpenneHuii u nnaH Mouraxta ycraHOBKU npeflocraBjunoioiKOMnaHMeM Royal Technology. 69

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Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 5

Technical Specifications Car logo and symbols billboard, bumpers, bezels and other plastic large pads for vacuum metallizing. Cr / NiCr / A1 metallizing from see-through to minor finishing effect, programmable control coating process. Benefit 1. Durable, lifetime is up to 5~8 years, even for outdoor use 2. Easy to assemble and maintain. With screws mounting or hang-up method. 3. Safe and reliable. The PMMA material makes it much lighter in weight than metal logos and highly reduces the risk of injuries from falling down. 4. Outstanding aesthetic finishings: During day time, the car sign...

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Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 6

/loroTkinbi m ckiMBo/ibi aBTOMo6nneM, pexnaMHbie mu™, GaMnepbi, oSoflxu u flpyrue nnacruxoBbie peraiw CTaHflapTHoe ppn BaKyyMHOu Meran/ikBauuu. npuMeHeHMe Merannn3ai4na Cr / NiCr / Al, or npo3paHHoro flp 3epKanbHoro acpcpeKcra, nporpaMMupyeMbiu npoqecc HaHecsHkifl noKpbnm KoMnaHMfl Royal Technology npeflnaraer Ky6uHecKue m nn/iMHflpuHecKne MOflenu BaxyyMHbix PVD yaaHOBOK ppst noKpbiTUB paa/ikiHHbix TvinoB /loromnoB aero u 003flaHMB Mera/innHecKnx nneHOK bwcokom oflHopoflHocm Ecnu KaKaa-TO m yaaHOBOK BaM noflxoflm, ncmca/iyMCTa, CBamuecb c hbmm p/m no/iyHeHua 6o/iee noflpo6HOM mn4)opMai4MM....

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Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 7

RTEP6600/4500 |^j*BHR ROYAL TECHNOLOGY Advantages •The door located in the railway track, which is controlled by motor, sliding automatically, easy to operate and very convenient for loading/unloading • Max. product size: 3000mm • Suitable for see-through finishing coating • The unique rotary rack and evaporation system design to guarantee a high uniformity A: The height from substrate to evaporation source can be adjusted flexiblely B: Evaporation sources distance can be adjusted C: 3 groups evaporation sources for a perfect foil area coating npenMymecTBa • fleepb, KOTopaa pacno/io>KeHHafl...

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Royal Technology/PVD Deposition Machine/Vacuum Metallizing/Thin Film/Thermal Evaporation/RTEP Series - 8

We offer PVD coating solutions for the automotive industry. Please contact us with your request Hydrogen Fuel Cell Automotive Bezel and Bumper Head and Tail lighting Reflectors Advantages •Plasma cleaning, argon gas bombardment device, glow discharge system • PECVD process for top coating after Aluminum layer deposition • Robust structure design and high quality configurations • PLC + Touch Screen Operation System, fully automatically /Manually control • Fast Vacuum Evacuation System • Exclusively designed rotating Carousel structure for high uniformity film deposition • Easy access to the...

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