PVD Vacuum Metal Deposition Machine-Fingerprint Display-Forensic application


Catalog excerpts

PVD Vacuum Metal Deposition Machine-Fingerprint Display-Forensic application - 1

Do you have the equipment in stock? 设备是否有库存? For the system with standard configurations, we have it in stock; For the system with customized configurations, none in stock 答: 如果设备为标准配置,有库存 ; 订制化配置没有库存 What the delivery time? 交货期多久? For the system with standard configurations, 30 days; For the system with customized configurations, 90 days; 答: 标准配置 30天; 订制配置及尺寸: 90天 Multi-functions Fingerprint Display Vacuum Metallizer 多功能真空镀膜指纹显现设备 If the operator must with PVD technical background? 对设备操作人员是否 需要有经验的PVD知识? What trainings you can provide? 培训包含哪些内容? the training courses including: 培训课程包含以下内容: 1) Vacuum metallization working principle 真空镀膜工作原理 2) Equipment’s operation and troubles shooting, regular maintenance 设备实操,故障排除, 日常维保 3) HMI program’s operation HMI 程序操作 4) Evidence items and coating processes selection accordingly 物证基材的判断及相应镀膜工艺选择 5) New coating processes R&D 新工艺的研发 Do you also provide consumable materials? 提供耗材吗? No, no need qualified PVD technician to operate the machine. Because we have after-sales team to provideregular maintenance service in the demand. 答: 不需要。因为我们有专业的售后人员会定期做设备维保工作 (按需,有偿服务)

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PVD Vacuum Metal Deposition Machine-Fingerprint Display-Forensic application - 2

Hardware Configuration 近年来,随着我国工业技术基础的显著提升,国内真空镀膜技术的应用及装备制造在国际的影响力,研发 创新的能力都发生了日新月异的变化。 1. The equipment uses a combination of a high vacuum turbo molecular pump and a two-stage rota vane pump, equipped with a high vacuum gate valve, reducing the cycle waiting time for continuous multiple evidence coatings. 2. The equipment is equipped with an online monitoring video system to obse e and record the entire process of ngerprints appearing Royal Technology has upgraded the system based on the RTEP0404 to Generation Ⅲ : RT0405-FORENSIC. More advanced pe ormances are bene cial for end user. 3....

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PVD Vacuum Metal Deposition Machine-Fingerprint Display-Forensic application - 3

Black Plastic Bag 黑色塑料垃圾袋

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PVD Vacuum Metal Deposition Machine-Fingerprint Display-Forensic application - 4

Ve ical orientation, front-side door opening, cylinder model Equipped with 1 set industrial water chiller Equipped with 1 set industrial water chiller, 1 set air compressor, Provided by end user: EDI water Vacuum Pumps Turbo molecular pump+ two-stage rota vane pump + gate valve Magnetically suspension molecular pump+ roots pump+ two-stage rota vane pump + holding pump + high valve Deposition Thickness Controller Online Monitoring System HD camera + wireless transmission module Evidence Holder ①2D at panel substrate holder ② U shape panel substrate holder ③Manipulator for 3D items like:...

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