Catalog excerpts

标准配套:主机,进口消声器( 含滤清器),排气消声器,皮带轮,皮带,防护罩,弹性接头,泄压阀装置,单向 Standard accessories: inlet silencer(with filter), pulleys,belts, belts guard, pressure relief valve assembly, base, pressure 可选附件:电机,电控柜,隔声罩,减震器等 gauge, anchor bolts,discharge silencer,check valve,flexible joint 进口流量是指在标准吸入状态下(绝对压力101.325kPa,温度20℃)的进口空气流量 Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20℃, an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Pressure Performance Date Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20℃, an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa 订货须知 Ordering instructions 压力:9.8~78.4 kPa 性能表说明 Performance table description According to cus tomer’s requirements,sound enclosures are avilable,which can make the sound levels up to 85dB(A) long life Use of precision hardened straight-tooth synchronous gears, keyless connection, positioning, smooth operation, low noise, high strength, Impeller with advanced structure, clover leaf, the area utilization factor Air-cooled structure, single-stage pressure is up to 78.4kPa without cooling water Flow sub-file encryption, extensive coverage, the user can choose the most appropriate models High efficiency, small size, light weight, compact structure, convenient operation and maintenance Zhangqiu Blower CO.,LTD, and have company’s 50-plus years of design and manufacturing experience. ZW blowers with higher capacity and
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Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Vacuum Performance Data Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20℃, an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Pressure Performance Date 各真空度下的进口流量Qs (m /min),轴功率La (kW)及所配电机功率Po (kW) Inlet Flow Qs (m³/min),Shaft Power La (kW) and Motor Power Po (kW) 进口流量是指在各真空度下,进口温度为20℃,出口为绝压101.325kPa的进口空气流量。 Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20℃,and discharge at an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa. ZW系列三叶罗茨鼓风机皮带传动真空性能参数表 Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower...
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Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Vacuum Performance Data Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20℃, an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa 进口流量是指在标准吸入状态下(绝对压力101.325kPa,温度20℃)的进口空气流量 Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20℃,and discharge at an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa. 各排气压力下的进口流量Qs (m³/min),轴功率La (kW)及所配电机功率Po (kW) Inlet Flow Qs (m³/min),Shaft Power La (kW) and Motor Power Po (kW) 29.4kPa 39.2kPa 49kPa 58.8kPa 2.26 Direct Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Pressure Performance Data ZW系列三叶罗茨鼓风机直联传动性能参数表 Direct Drive ZW...
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ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Noise Level ZW系列三叶罗茨鼓风机噪声值dB(A) ZW系列三叶罗茨鼓风机噪声值dB(A) (正压应用) Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Pressure Application) 注:上述数据是按照GB/T 注:上述数据是按照GB/T 2888 <<风机和罗茨鼓风机噪声测量方法>>测得的数据 2888 <<风机和罗茨鼓风机噪声测量方法>>测得的数据 Note:The above Note:The date wereabove tested date acccording were tested to the acccording noise measurement to the noise method measurement of GB/T2888 method Blower of GB/T2888 and Roots Blower blower and Roots blower Note:The above date were tested acccording to the noise measurement method of GB/T2888 Blower a
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Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Vacuum Application) Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Pressure Application)
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Direct Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Pressure Application) Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Vacuum Application)
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(真空应用) Direct Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Vacuum Application) ZSH 系列罗茨风机 / 真空泵 ZSH series Roots type blower/vacuum pump 产品简介 Product Introduction 有逆流装置的罗茨鼓风机、真空泵新结构》两项专利技术,借鉴吸收引进的日本 RR 系列罗茨鼓风机先进结构基础上,结 合我公司近四十年的设计、制造经验,进行自主研发的新一代单级干式高真空罗茨真空泵。 ZSH-V ZLB series single stage dry Roots vacuum pump is using my company's proprietary "backflow device with multi-blade impeller ZSH-V、ZLB 系列单级干式罗茨真空泵,是采用我公司专有的《带逆流装置的多叶型叶轮正(负)压罗茨风机结构》与《带 positive (negative) pressure blower Structure" and "Roots blower with a countercurrent apparatus , vacuum pump new...
Open the catalog to page 7All Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co. catalogs and technical brochures
SSR-K 2024
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Archived catalogs
ZW Roots Blower-2016
11 Pages
ZG Roots Blower
13 Pages