Catalog excerpts

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SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO., LTD. Company Profile m-t, ^naigEr#^, $£MAi±To “5150” 111^1^0* lJj^A^s LijA#SA¥W^P^5iAZTr¥5M±iji, S P^jAj^A A AjStK Sr T no, fffl^Tii A >*61] T HnW^ixi^EE', ~ ■> Ms B^s ilt^s A^AE^E “^l«500 51if\ 2005E®£S*l#U tills “g± toifigA+^”s jxim» “Lii^jif”, “^#” Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co., Ltd is one of the most important blower manufacturers in China with 40 years of experience in R&D and production of Roots type blower. It has become the domestic No. 1 in production capability and market share of Roots type blower. It has invested to set up two...
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SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO., LTD. ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Profile ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots type blowers, which were based on the technology of U.S.A blowers, are the latest products of Shandong Zhangqiu Blower CO.,LTD, and have company’s 40-plus years of design and manufacturing experience. ZW blowers with higher capacity and lower cost, have advanced performance and structure features. Main features: ♦ High speed (maximum speed of 5170r/min), high efficiency, small size, light weight, compact structure, convenient operation and maintenance Flow sub-file encryption,...
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SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO., LTD. Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Pressure Performance DataBelt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Vacuum Performance Data mm Motor Pole 0 XI uSi I ^ c r ~ f} 2 Q CD ^ I S O CD .ffl Q_ "0 5 ? CM £ CO * 1 cd [X. 0 ttK •-EH § H -o J$i w $5 g M £ ralii g
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fcfc m Motor Pole Direct Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Pressure Performance Data Model Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20°C, an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa Direct Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Vacuum Performance Data ian^^20oC, ttiP^feiI101.325kPa^P^aSo Performance based on inlet air at standard temperature of 20cC,and discharge at an ambient pressure of 101.325kPa. 8
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SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO., LTD. Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outing Drawing (Pressure Applicatim]Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Pressure Application) *rtaimR-t Outlet Flange Size Outlet Flange Size Anchor Bolt Hole Arrangement Diagram Outlet. Flange Size Anchor Bolt. Type Blower Type
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Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Vacuum Application)Belt Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Vacuum Application) ia> Inlet And Outlet Flange Size Anchor Bolt Hole Arrangement Diagram Anchor Bolt Hole Arrangement Diagram S-MXMXN Anchor Bolt Type Blower Type Blower Type
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Direct Drive ZW Series Three-Lobe Roots Type Blower Packages Outline Drawing (Pressure Application) zw ( (eibse) iS-WS Inlet Silencer Blower Type Blower Type
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I Rotary Blower & Vacuum Pump Installation Sample JSf i Belt Drive Rotary Blower Installation SampleRotary Blower & Vacuum Pump Installation Sample Direct Drive Rotary Blower Installation Sample 5. Relief Valve vibration proof Pressure Gauge M Relief Valve Base ^ Flexible Connector 8. Outlet Silencer 9. Kf ^ Emptying Joint 10. |L|pl|0j| Check Valve chargell. M Gate Valve 12. itf Straight Pipe 13. Emptying Gate Valve 1.iiPMitfl Inlet Silencer 2. Rotary Blower 3.111 Relief Valve 4. Vibration proof Pressure Gauge 5.)tJlM Relief Valve Base 6. Flexible Connector 7. liiPfMir...
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Special Accessories DimensionAdvanced Processing Equipment 1*3 Flexible Joint use for ZW-202 (GB 1.OMPa Flange) Diplomas Of Our Company ±mim . « S aj*ascasB.»i®»ww.®M «#««. aBnuBrooiMM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION 'Q, WliOllMIM SHANDONG ZUANGQIU BLOWER CO..LTD. • OINKA. MAM FACHJRE. MUS AND SERVICE Of ROIARV M-OMERS, ROTARY VaCI: I’M PUMPS. CKNTWM/'CAL BI-OVV IRS. SLURRY PUMPS •
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SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD m±-. iij*#3E£iijifi*i5aF5FaEiB«*j«*m Add: Mingshui Economic Development Zone.Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province, China feig(TEL): 0531-83250025 83250036 ( Sales Company ) +86+531+83250080 ( i’I'SS’&i] Foreign Trade Company ) ftS(FAX): 0531-83225838 ( Sales Company) +86+531+83250082 ( w) Foreign Trade Company ) E-mail: xmb@blower.cn zqblower@public.jn.sd.cn Http://www.blower.cn ft[S*i(Zip code): 250200 ftpIS: 60189 f&iS: 630-221-8282 •ffX: 630-221-1002 feft|5: info@eurusblower.com poO±ih: www.eurusblower.com Eurus Blower, Inc. PO Box 4588 Wheaton, IL...
Open the catalog to page 11All Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co. catalogs and technical brochures
SSR-K 2024
3 Pages
Pneumatic Conveying Equipment
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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower
15 Pages
20 Pages
Eurus ZZ
5 Pages
Environment Cerficate
1 Pages
Archived catalogs
ZG Roots Blower
13 Pages