ZG Series Blower/Vacuum Pump Waste Water treatment/Cement
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ZG Series Blower/Vacuum Pump Waste Water treatment/Cement - 1

Brief introduction to ZG blowers 产品简介 ZG系列罗茨鼓风机是山东省章丘鼓风机股份有限公司在引进美国MB系列罗茨鼓风机基础上,应用本公司专有 技术自行设计、开发的更新换代产品,该产品在结构和性能上得到大大改善和提高,是当今世界的技术领先产品, 是具有最好性价比的产品。 ZG Blowers with tri-lobe are heavy duty style new products based on MB blowers which technology is from America. It is the replacement for Duroflow models of Gardner Denver, RAM/RCS models of Dresser Roots, and RBS models of Robuschi. High blower speed with 4000 to 5000 rpm, high efficiency, and compact structure design Low noise tri-lobe rotor Noise-reduction know-how application for casing Integral-shaft ductile iron impellors Dual splash lubrication 采用特殊结构设计的机壳,保证高压力下运行可靠,且降低运转噪声。 采用精密硬齿面斜齿同步齿轮,无键联接,定位可靠,运行平稳,噪音低,强度高,寿命长。 Over sized cylindrical roller bearings Hardened teeth face for precision helical timing gear, taper-lock shaft mounting Versatile configuration Piston ring air seals Lip type viton oil seals Air cooling, aluminum oil tank Automatic belt tensioner and integrated discharge silencer base frame application for the blower package 皮带轮采用球墨铸铁材质,允许转速高,皮带轮与轴联接采用标准胀套,联接可靠,维护方便。 密集型机组装

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