C Multi-stage centrifugal blower


Catalog excerpts

C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 1


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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 2

High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD Product Introduction (WTf^fJj£«. JKPR«i: 002598) M#l ±7fTo W "#LU#=r\ MtU "5150" ig5iaW0*^IS±. WMUT. A^>t^A¥. ®££iftA^. $?>IA#. >I3>A#. lU£A¥. Lij3kf4&A¥«fl5 /A^g±W^T^i^*WHPi^Afa$ti47K^^)Sf^pap. pDpW^iSitt'L\ ISflifg^^i,', ftWMWSit. *4W. 7F2L &»!&&*. ftflfiWfifMtfet. >am«5ooa^'. 'g±flj*r£*+s\ wim "fflp'is^". "\h%m\ Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co. Lid is one of the most important blower manufacturers in China with 40 years of experience in R&D and production of Roots type blower. It has become the largest manufacturer...

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 3

High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD Qualification Certificate International Advanced Manufacturing Equipment IVI if M>ii mi:Q!i)iiKiM GB/T 19001-2008 / ISO 9001:2008 UtiUtfANfcV, • ?xka«- n*>BMA. «•*«*». «a. «« «** • 9A*S«MUMia'T iwoi-»» t Bo«M::*M**IUtattH«. ««*«»** iv)it*. •*.

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 4

*«.. f* High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD J^ppSaf^ Structure of Product 5rs;»^. The blower is consists of stator, rotor, driving device and so on. It has one suction and two supports. The rotor consists of multi-stage impellers. Motor and blower are installed independently, or are installed on the same common base according to owner's demand (indicating before order).Motor and blower are direct connected with coupling (The mini-type blower connect with belt). Watching from the tail of motors (For the mini-type blower, it is shaft protraction), the blowers is...

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 5

**.. f* High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD ppJIH^iiE Quality Guarantee f ♦ IS09001BDqJtiME ♦ ^nnp®i££iSi+#>t: JB/T7258—2006 JB/T3165-1999 ♦ IS09001 Quality Certification ♦Product Fabrication and Design Standard : JB/T7258—2006 ((General-purpose Centrifugal Blower)) ♦Test Standard; JB/T3165—1999 ((Thermal Performance Test for Centrifugal and Axial Blowers and Compressors)) ♦Strictly control each working process of parts and built-up adequate product files. Water Treatment Wastewater Treatment Biogas Recovery Vacuum Cleaning Air Knife Dry Floatation and Mineral...

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 6

f* High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (2) Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (3)

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 7

fc*. fife High Efficiency Energy Saving lu % m * s 15 ixi m as m pb a g SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (4)Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (5) jxitn. as-t Type of Blower

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 8

% fc. High Efficiency Energy Saving iu % % m sl n jxi m J& w pg & 5] SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD (e)Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (6)Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (7) Type of Blower

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 9

*«.. f* High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD cmmmzmft'bnMmmmw i s) Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (8) Performance Parameters of Series C Casting Multistage Centrifugal Blower (9) When ihe atmospheric conditions and medium are varied the relative performance conversion calculation will be different.We can re—designed in accordance with the requirement of users to adapt to different working condition. Notice^ “* ” are 6kV high-voltage motor others are motors with voltage 380V.

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 10

High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD ftifiAtt ( Jlilfi ) II ( C20-C35 ) Casting Blower ( Oil Lubricate ) Outline and Installation Dimensions ( Refer to the information given in the contract) Casting Blower ( Oil Lubricate ) Outline and Installation Dimensions ( Refer to the information given in the contract)

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 11

High Efficiency Energy Saving uj&?r*£ttR«iKttirR&3 SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD fKfiJUJL (Mflit) ( C60-C75 ) Casting Blower ( Oil Lubricate ) Outline and Installation Dimensions ( Refer to the information given in the contract) Casting Blower ( Oil Lubricate ) Outline and Installation Dimensions ( Refer to the information given in the contract)

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 12

High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD fHUUL ( ttflfll ) ( C140-C220 ) Casting Blower ( Oil Lubricate ) Outline and Installation Dimensions ( Refer to the information given in the contract) Casting Blower ( Oil Lubricate ) Outline and Installation Dimensions ( Refer to the information given in the contract)

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 13

High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO..LTD Casting Blower ( Oil Lubricate ) Outline and Installation Dimensions ( Refer to the information given in the contract) ZRL Mfflniiiifl ZRL Type Inlet FiIter zrx ZRX Type Inlet Silencer

Open the catalog to page 13
C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 14

High Efficiency Energy Saving SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD mmra Accessories for Blowers Typical Performance • dcv DCV Type Non-return Valve Three-way Pipe Suction-, Discharge Flange (According To PN1.0 MPa Flange) rajiic##«MPM/Ava wmmnmhun r Jit^HTTW^r WllJrfTT'J^ttPM^a, JiPHS^^ftXWPM^a LilM7TC^ftXWPS/A^ ^Jl^M7K>fiT^:tPM/Ava XMM^isftxWPMl^ LiJSStlEftXWPM^a ±^±ftXWPM^ ihM^ittxTrPM^ Liisx^s^mr LliSStlE^mWPM^a ®>s^^;i^7KMWPM/Ava ji^w^iwpm'a^ X^LlJftxWPM^H] m®f4M^#7KiS^WPM^a ££Hg*$HfPR&H| $ PH'/i’TciT'fSXflWPM'^a IS P0 ^7KiTlSf4S W PMl^ a a^M&wPM^a ft&mmm...

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C Multi-stage centrifugal blower - 15

SHANDONG ZHANGQIU BLOWER CO.,LTD m±-. ADD: MingShui Economy Development Zone,Zhangqiu City,Shandong,China %iS(TEL): 0531-83250578 Marketing Department) 0531-83250025 83250036 (Ie^'a^ Sales Company) +86-531-83250080 Foreign Trade Department) ft Jt(FAX): 0531-83250578 Marketing Department) 0531-83225838 ($ityAv^ Sales Company) +86-531-83250082 Foreign Trade Department) E-mail: zgtpjx@blower.cn Marketing Department) xmb@blower.cn Sales Company) globalbiz@blower.cn (£h5*?nP Foreign Trade Department) Http: //www.blower.cn i£P£i(Zip Code): 250200 li should be ihai we reserve the...

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All Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. SSR-K 2024

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  2. LRA

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  3. Eurus ZZ

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