HW-480 Large Excavator


Catalog excerpts

HW-480 Large Excavator - 2

卓越的性能, 完全满足各类用户需求。 Excellent performance,fully Meet the needs of various users. HW480 履带式挖掘机, 适用于市政工程、 土石方工程、 园林绿化、 道路修缮、 水泥混凝土的破碎、 河道清淤、林场抓木、工程钻孔、混凝土整平、装卸货物等各种工程作业环境,可迅速更换 各种作业属具,整机配置挖斗、破碎锤、旋转抓、螺旋钻、振动夯、电吸盘等多种属具,满足 客户多种工程需求,更换方便、操作简单。 HW480 crawler excavator is suitable for various engineering environments, including municipal engineering, earthwork engineering, landscaping, road maintenance, concrete crushing, river dredging, forestry logging, engineering drilling, concrete leveling, loading and unloading goods, et

Open the catalog to page 2
HW-480 Large Excavator - 3

PRODUCT UPGRADE BRAND NEW EXPERIENCE 产品升级 全新体验 Walking system 液压挖掘机采用履带式行走机构,能够在各种复杂地形下灵活行驶,具有出色的机动 性和适应性。行走系统还具有稳定性好、承载能力强等特点,能够适应各种工作环境。 The hydraulic excavator adopts a crawler-type traveling mechanism, which can run flexibly in various complex terrains, and has excellent maneuverability and adaptability. The walking system also has the characteristics of good stability and strong carrying capacity, and can adapt to various working environments. 驾驶室内部配备倒车影像、电子显示屏,行驶更安全;驾驶室前方一体玻璃,可以随 时提放,视野开阔,必密性好,噪音更低;太空座椅,大大缓解驾驶员的疲劳状态; 冷暖空调更舒适;风扇、音响一应俱全。 The interior of the cab is equipped with a...

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HW-480 Large Excavator - 4

Machine detailed parameters Machine detailed parameters 缸数 * 缸径 * 行程 Number of cylinders*bore*stroke 额定功率 Rated power 铲斗容量 Bucket capacity 铲斗宽度 Bucket width 液压系统 Hydraulic system 最大工作流量 Maximum Work Flow 行走回路压力 walking circuit pressure 控制回路压力 control circuit pressure 行走马达 walking motor 接地比压 Ground specific pressure 回转速度 Swing speed 制动类型 brake type 回转系统 slewing system C 总高 ( 动臂顶部 )Overall height (boom top) F 配重离地间隙 Counterweight ground clearance E 总高 ( 驾驶室顶部 )Overall height (top of cab) H 尾部回转半径 Tail Turning Radius I 轮距 Wheelbase O 机罩高度 Hood height M 履带板宽度 Track shoe width P 转台宽度 Turntable...

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HW-480 Large Excavator - 5

灵活高效 全面能手 精工细作 品质保证 Fine workmanship, quality assurance Flexible and efficient all-rounder

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HW-480 Large Excavator - 6

After sales service 24 小时热线 If you have any needs, just call the 24-hour after-sales service hotline 400-9975-666. 接到售后需求后,售后服务工程师将主动和您取得联系,向您了解设备情况和服务需求,通过电话,微信视频等远程指导处理问题。 After receiving the after-sales demand, the after-sales service engineer will take the initiative to get in touch with you, ask you about the equipment situation and service needs, and deal with the problem through remote guidance such as telephone and WeChat video. 24 hours departure 若电话指导无法处理好故障,服务工程师在 24 小时内携带维修工具出发,前往设备所在现场,进行现场维修服务。 If the telephone guidance cannot handle the fault well, the service engineer will...

Open the catalog to page 6
HW-480 Large Excavator - 7

品覆盖挖掘机、推土机、 钻探机械、新能源光伏打桩机、压路机、 履带运输车等 40 多个品类。厂区占地面积 10 万平方米 ,现有 Shandong Hengwang Group, founded in 2011 with a registered capital of 100 million RMB, is located in Jining, Shandong Province, China, which is known as the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, and the Canal Capital of China. After more than ten years of development, Hengwang Group has become a national high-tech enterprise integrating research and development, design, manufacturing, international trade, e-commerce, and logistics transportation. With a strong focus on research and development and leading in technology, Hengwang...

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