HENGWANG Photovoltaic Pile Driver Collection


Catalog excerpts

HENGWANG Photovoltaic Pile Driver Collection - 3

HWL300R SOLAR PILE DRIVER Machine detailed parameters 整机配置 Machine configuration 产品型号 Product model 液压锤型号 Hydraulic hammer model 液压锤流量 Hydraulic hammer flow 冲击频率 Impact frequency •Power configuration: Diesel engines with reasonable power and superior performance provide a powerful source of power for construction operations, and the reliability of power and fuel economy have been greatly improved . •Hydraulic system: Advanced hydraulic system, high-quality hydraulic components, and strict assembly process ensure the high efficiency and durability of the hydraulic system. •Design: The...

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HENGWANG Photovoltaic Pile Driver Collection - 4

HWL400R SOLAR PILE DRIVER 特征: Machine detailed parameters 整机配置 Machine configuration 产品型号 Product model 液压锤型号 Hydraulic hammer model 液压锤流量 Hydraulic hammer flow 冲击频率 Impact frequency 钎杆直径 Drill rod diameter •Power configuration: Diesel engines with reasonable power and superior performance provide a powerful source of power for construction operations, and the reliability of power and fuel economy have been greatly improved . 滑动导轨架倾斜角度 Sliding guide frame inclination angle 机架旋转角度 Frame rotation angle 液压系统压力 Hydraulic system pressure 齿轮泵排量 Gear pump displacement 行驶速度 Traveling speed 整车重量...

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HENGWANG Photovoltaic Pile Driver Collection - 5

HWL500R SOLAR PILE DRIVER 特征: Machine detailed parameters 整机配置 Machine configuration 产品型号 Product model 液压锤型号 Hydraulic hammer model 液压锤流量 Hydraulic hammer flow 冲击频率 Impact frequency 钎杆直径 Drill rod diameter 滑动导轨架倾斜角度 Sliding guide frame inclination angle 机架旋转角度 Frame rotation angle 液压系统压力 Hydraulic system pressure 齿轮泵排量 Gear pump displacement 行驶速度 Traveling speed 整车重量 Machine weight 发动机功率 Engine power 发动机额定转速 Engine rated speed 履带板宽度 Track shoe width •液压系统:先进的液压系统,优质的液压元件以及严格的装配工艺确保了液压系统的高效性和耐久性。 •设计:整体框架结构优秀,材料完全符合国家标准。具有高强度和良好的稳定性,符合工业美学设计理念,操作员的工作 空间更加宽敞。...

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HENGWANG Photovoltaic Pile Driver Collection - 6

HWL600R SOLAR PILE DRIVER 特征: Machine detailed parameters 整机配置 Machine configuration 产品型号 Product model 液压锤型号 Hydraulic hammer model 液压锤流量 Hydraulic hammer flow 冲击频率 Impact frequency •Power configuration: Diesel engines with reasonable power and superior performance provide a powerful source of power for construction operations, and the reliability of power and fuel economy have been greatly improved . •Hydraulic system: Advanced hydraulic system, high-quality hydraulic components, and strict assembly process ensure the high efficiency and durability of the hydraulic system. •Design: The...

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HENGWANG Photovoltaic Pile Driver Collection - 7

HWL390H SOLAR PILE DRIVER 特征: Machine detailed parameters 整机配置 Machine configuration 产品型号 Product model 钻孔直径(潜孔锤)Drilling diameter(DTH hammer) 钻孔深度 Drilling depth •Power configuration: Diesel engines with reasonable power and superior performance provide a powerful source of power for construction operations, and the reliability of power and fuel economy have been greatly improved . •Hydraulic system: Advanced hydraulic system, high-quality hydraulic components, and strict assembly process ensure the high efficiency and durability of the hydraulic system. •Design: The overall frame...

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HENGWANG Photovoltaic Pile Driver Collection - 8

山东恒旺集团, 创立于2011年, 注册资金一亿元, 坐落于运河之都、 一直以来, 恒旺集团不断加快知识产权标准化建设, 重视培养、 经过十余年的发展,现已成为一家集研发设计、生产制造、国际 贸易、电子商务、物流运输为一体的国家高新技术企业。 以研发之长,领技术之先。恒旺依托科技创新,依据市场发展和 客户需求,不断研发出各种新型实用机械设备。当前主营产品 覆盖挖掘机、推土机、钻探机械、新能源光伏打桩机、压路机、 履带运输车等 40 多个品类。厂区占地面积 10 万平方米 ,现有 员工 1000 余人。 恒旺集团自成立初期就构建了较为完备、多元化的市场经营体 系和产业价值链。在恒旺集团发展的十余年中,始终坚持立足 本土,内强研发,外拓海外,摸索出一条适合自身发展的“互联 网 + 传统制造业”的创新之路, 跻身跨境电商新型产业模式之中, 迈上持续快速发展的新台阶和跨越式发展的新时代。 恒旺始终践行“创新驱动、质量为先”的发展理念,全面推进产 品升级。在智能化改装领域持续取得突破,远程操控已成功应 用于多种钻桩设备,施工安全得到真正保障;挖掘机领域突破 多项技术难题,不断推出各种新型挖改设备,全力帮助客户实 现一机多用,从而实现更高收益。 自主创新的道路上,先后获得发明专利 10 余项,实用新型专利 30 余项。精雕细琢,品质卓然,并先后通过 ISO、欧盟 CE、德 国...

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  1. HWKJ-12T

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