

Catalog excerpts

FDWR - 1

TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT FDWR Armored Thermocouple Product Overview FDWZ series armored thermocouples use homogeneous conductors (A electrode and B electrode) to form a closed loop. When the two con tacts are at di ffe r en t te m per a tur es , cur r en t f l o ws th r o u g h th e l o o p , and there is a the r m al e l ec t r o m ot ive for c e be t w e e n t h e t w o c o n t a c t s. The electromotive force is related to the average temperature. The material of the conductor is related to the temperature difference between the two ends. Thermocouples use this principle to measure temperature. Usually used in conjunction with display instruments, recording instruments, computers, etc., to directly measure the s u rface temperatur e o f g as es , l iquids an d s ol i d s i n t h e r a n g e o f 0 ° C to 1700° C in vario us pr oduc t io n pr oc es s e s . Main Feature ◆ Large measu r in g r an ge a nd fa s t r e s po ns e ◆ High mechan ic al s t r en gt h, c a n be us e d w i t h v i b r a t i o n , l o w t e m p e r a t u r e a n d h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e ◆ Simple install a t io n, e as y r e pl ac em e nt a nd l o n g se r v i c e l i f e ◆ Small outer dia m et er , r a pid t em pe r at ur e r e sp o n se Technical Index Item Technical Parameters Measuring Range Insulation Resistance Probe Diameter Probe Material Protection Tube Drawing M27*2 Cold Length Cold Length Probe Length Fixed Thread Probe Diameter Flange Type Sensor Produc

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All Shandong Friend Control System Co. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. FDWSS

    1 Pages

  2. FDWZ

    1 Pages

  3. FDWB

    1 Pages

  4. FD3051LT

    1 Pages

  5. FD3051LD

    1 Pages

  6. FD86

    1 Pages

  7. FD86E/F

    1 Pages

  8. FD86G

    1 Pages

  9. FD86T

    1 Pages

  10. FD80E

    1 Pages

  11. FD3051ST

    1 Pages

  12. FD3051S LF

    2 Pages

  13. FD3051S LD

    4 Pages

  14. FD3051

    1 Pages

  15. FD3051S DP

    1 Pages

  16. FD80B

    1 Pages