FDWC Temperature Switch


Catalog excerpts

FDWC Temperature Switch - 1

TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT FDWC Temperature Switch Product Overview FDWC series temperature switches can directly measure the temperature of various liquids, gaseous media and solid surfaces in the range of -200 ℃ . Using a special temperature m odule, the tempe r at ur e s e ns ing e l em e nt is l i n e a r l y c o r r e c t e d , a n d the relay switch signal, standard analog signal and digital signal are output. The product is easy to use, has various structures and output forms, and can meet the temperature measurement requirements of various fields in the fields of petroleum, chemical i ndustry, metallurg y, power s ta tio n, l ig ht in dustr y, a n d sh i p b u i l d i n g . Main Feature ◆ C an output cur r e nt o r dig it a l s ign al , s ave c o m p e n sa t i o n w i r e , st r o n g a n t i - i n t e r f e r e n c e a b i l i t y ◆ Safe and relia bl e , l on g s e r vic e l ife ◆ 4mA~20mA DC ,r e l ay s wit c h s ign al ,RS4 8 5 p r o t o c o l , e t c . ◆ With lineariza t io n fun c t ion , high m ea s ur e m e n t a c c u r a c y Technical Index Item Technical parameters Measuring Range Power supply Output signal Probe length Probe Diameter Electrical interface and wiring I OUT+I OUT-

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