FD80F Intelligent Sanitary Pressure Transmitter


Catalog excerpts

FD80F Intelligent Sanitary Pressure Transmitter - 1

PRESSURE MEASUREMENT FD80F Intelligent Sanitary Pressure Transmitter Product Overview FD80F series intelligent sanitary pressure transmitter is a flush diaphragm transmitter for food, beverages, medicine, and biological engineering, which has high precision, high stability, high -temperature model products.The digital technology combined with the international advanced piezoresistive echnology, precision digital temperature compensation and nonlinear correction.LCD 4-bit display,reliable explosion-proof structure design and standardized signal output, with high accuracy a nd wide r a ng e, c om pl ie s wit h 3 - A h y g i e n i c st a n d a r d s. Main Feature ◆ Wide measu r em e nt r a ng e.Ga uge ,A bs o l u t e , N e g a t i v e p r e ssu r e ◆ The sensor ado pt s dig it a l c om pe ns at ion a n d n o n l i n e a r c o r r e c t i o n ◆ IP65 protec t ive de s ig n, s uit a bl e fo r wil d , o p e n a i r , e t c . H i g h t e m p e r a t u r e r e si st a n c e , u p t o 1 80 ℃ ◆ High tempe r at ur e r es is t an c e , up t o 18 0 ℃ ◆ Laser markin g, e xquis it e appe ar a nc e ◆ F lush diaphr ag m ,c om pl ie s wit h 3-A hyg i e n i c st a n d a r d s. Performance Index Item Technical Data Pressusre Range Pressusre Type Overload Pressure Long-term Stability Working temperature Power Supply Output Signal Electronic Connection Protection Grade Explosion-proof Grade Products Warranty Electrical interface and wiring method Red:Power Positive 1:Power Positive Black:Power Negative Yellow:Signal Positive Voltage Type Red:Power Positive Black:Power Negative Current Type

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