Catalog excerpts
SHREDDERS HYDRAULICS We build something simple but not easy
Open the catalog to page 1LEOPARD IMPIANTI LEOPARD is a project characterized by a constant development and the quality of its machines and plants reflects the passion and devotion of its working team Leopard is born to meet the needs of those who will use Quality and safety mean reliability. it, thus providing solutions that improve its operation by In fact each of our customers can rely on timely deliveries and a company the users which is always available ad responsive. * PEOPLE Leopard impianti is not just made of walls but skilled and willing people. * EXPERIENCE Leopard impianti boast over 41 years of...
Open the catalog to page 2LEOPARD IMPIANTI FGS SHREDDERS HYDRAULICS They are strong, heavy-duty and beautiful machines. Their transmission is entirely hydraulic, designed to shred any type of material : metal sheet, car frames, aluminium etc
Open the catalog to page 3LEOPARD IMPIANTI
Open the catalog to page 4LEOPARD IMPIANTI FGS SHREDDERS HYDRAULICS FGS P SHREDDERS HYDRAULICS Contact us : SFH SRL LEOPARD IMPIANTI Phone +39 0424-540260 36028 Rossano Venet o - VI
Open the catalog to page 5All SFH SRL LEOPARD IMPIANTI catalogs and technical brochures
SGS Shredders Mechanics
6 Pages
GGS Granulators
4 Pages