Catalog excerpts

G12V-100W SINGIG/3-PHASG V-CASING TYPG PRECISION GGAR MOTOR iE^WS - =4gttKJH)C EK£mS53ia3ISI§ffi(u*£270-Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. G11V-100W SINGIE/3-PHASE V-CASING TYPG PRECISION GGAR MOTOR izitsue' nKSim«SM3g«Mi*ffi270-Terminal box position: at 270’ for V-casing type. Products duo to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. afiS03A<5S51.IS3Jci£yta¥13JSail!<=TS3!!a!|! . -P2S*S91P:KP3
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G12V-200W 5INGLG/3-PHASG V-CASING TYPG PRECISION GGAR MOTOR iL^Zmts' HtsaMMue zmmms!mga5i£®&62sm7o-Terminal box position: at 270‘ for V-casing type. G11V-200W SINGIE/3-PHASE V-CASING TYPE PRECISION GEAR MOTOR □5':tiiS^^iiB3?gSs(uSS270-Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. ® GEAR MOTOR SPECIFICATION Mitfcb mstfc Gear Ratio lalWJS Output rpm Output Torque SgtSi: hg.m Products dua to human error, natural disasters or other (actors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. ffEBIS A iSSBlKAli; 3? tSRtSKASEcl0.il , TSSiBBitl.
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G13V-200W SINGLE/3-PHASE V-CA5ING TYPG PRECISION GGAR MOTOR Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. ® GEAR MOTOR SPECIFICATION Mmtt
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G14V-400W 5INGLG/3-PHASG V-CASING TYPG PRGCISION GGAR MOTOR - Efiiisi nxXffi«$SiSffl?gi*sfLiflS270' Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. JJjUOOW V-Casing Types G13V-400W SINGLG/3-PHASG V-CA5ING TYPG PRGCISION GGAR MOTOR uJXSmiJ^iSE0}gSs(iiSS27O-Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. Products duo to human orror, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will no! be covered under warranty SmSAiSStlalSiSSItWHJSaiSS^SSilR® , TflSSIS:* A . ^SESAME www.sesomemotor.com
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PRECISION GEAR MOTOR G13V-750W SINGIE/3-PHASE V-CASING TYPE PRECISION GEAR MOTOR n^*S,lii09®SgaC2Sffi27O-Terminal box position: at 270‘ for V-casing type. G14V-750W 5INGLE/3-PHASE V-CASING TYPE PRECISION GEAR MOTOR Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. Products due to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. TESIISAiBSSISSlisEmSISSaSS'EiagitSW . 'f'SSBIISBPt . ^SESAME www.sesamemofor.com
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PRECISION GEAR MOTOR G14V-1500W 3-PHASG V-CASING TYPG PRGCISION GGAR MOTOR na;ai¥S!MaiB5ssgffi#S27o-Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. G15V-750W SINGLG/3-PHASG V-CASING TYPG PRGCI5ION GGAR MOTOR Terminal box position: at 270‘ for V-casing type. frit 1 5 0 0 W V-Casing Types Products due to human error, natural disasters or other (actors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. #S3BAiBBtS3£Syr^BiKSg!Ta®ffi>l! . -F?THISIsaP3 .
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G15V-1500W 3-PHASE V-CA5ING TYPE PRECISION GEAR MOTOR 3*^ =*«*»* n««m^iiifi3gSSCi»S270-Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. G14V-2200W 3-PHASG V-CASING TYPG PRECISION GGAR MOTOR nS®*S,liiB3)g«afiiSffi270' Terminal box position: at 270' for V-casing type. ® timiKJSJMttlgK GEAR MOTOR SPECIFICATION Gear Ratio IBttSiW*! Output Torque Sgte '■ kg.m Products flue to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. . TESil6BI*l . SESAME www.sesomemofor.com
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G15V-2200W 3-PHASe V-CASING TYPE PRECISION GEAR MOTOR tLiX, =MMI_ Terminal box po*Gon at 270* ter V-caahg type. •aaAMHWxwwxieM'Tfiniia. *s*higb«. SfcSt-K'fe w»».wwT*mc^a'.cc<r
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