Catalog excerpts

SESAME MOTOR CORP. 599, Sec 1, Hemu Rd., Shengong, Toichung, Skype Phone : sesame_motor Sesame Motor Corp., A leading brand in gear technology. SPEED REDUCER *
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MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER Company Profile mmmit Sesame Motor Corp, as a leading brand in Motor and gear reducer technology. "SESAME MOTOR CORP." Founded in 1990, have more than 20 years of professional motor and gearbox manufacturing and sales experience. In response to business growth, and provide better customers service, SESAME MOTOR had acquisition and construction for about 7,000 square meters of new factory in 2009. Adding modern workshop facilities with the effective integration of ERP systems, purchase new processing and testing equipment; as we continuously enhance key parts'...
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MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER Company Profile aeon* "SESAME MOTOR" is built base on spirit of "customer satisfaction, priority service" philosophy, providing three privileges "best guality, fastest delivery, and best sale service". Our products have obtained high market share in Taiwan, that had lead "SFSAMF MOTOR" be a well-known brand. We had agent, distributor set-up in South Korea, China and Southeast Asia. In addition we had a branch company set up in Shanghai, China, expanding our market in Americas, Europe and the Middle East, setting a goal for globalization of services. "SESAME MOTOR"...
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Corporate Environment
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Production Line Planetary Gearheads Production Line Laser Printing: According to the needs of customer to perform simple laser printing on to planetary gearhead bracket. Speed Reducer Production Line Precision Gear Motor Production Line MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER Applications of Planetary Gearhead Machine Tools Metal Cutting Machines, Machining Centers, CNC Drilling Machines, Lathes and Turning Machines, Milling and Boring Machines, Grinding Machines, Drilling Machines, Planning Machines. Metal Forming Machine Tools, Presses, Tube and Wire Processing Machines. Inoustry Machinery Packaging...
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Open the catalog to page 6
Motor and Speed Reducer Motor Term Brief Introduction Power Output Calculation Choosing a Suitable Motor Product Name Coding System Operation Manual General Purpose Motor 18 Induction Motor, Lead-wire Type -IP22 20 Induction Motor, Terminal Box Type -IP54 23 Induction Motor, Lead-wire Type -IP22 25 Induction Motor, Terminal Box Type -IP54 Speed Controlled Motor Assembled Type, Variable Speed, Induction/reversible Motor Separated Type, Variable Speed, Induction/reversible Motor - IP22 MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER 32 Assembled Type Speed Controller 33 Separated Type Speed Controller Brake Motor...
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■)fS !lrJSIK)fflT#3R Motor Ingress Protection Rallng MOTOR TGRM BRIEF INTRODUCTION Motor rating Isttie maximum allowance based on Its temperature rising and loading. The Rating Is including output, voltage, frequency, current, torque, speed and other related value, It can be classified continuously and short-time rating according to temperature limitation. ■ MMS^i^^^S Continuously & Short-time Ratine s^ss4crc msmT • mmmw/mm-^smm • m^sm mmmm - *ismmmm®m®mm • Time rating Is defined via tie motor works conlfriuously wfth cert* loading t\ amblenf temperature 40*C and the motor -temperature...
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CHOOSING A SUITABLE MOTOR AC SMALL GEAR - SPEED REDUCED, VARIABLE SPEED, BRAKE MOTOR Variable Speed Brake Motor Reversible Variable Speed Motor Variable Speed Induction Motor TURNING DIRECTION Frequent Forward/ Reverse Single Direction BRAKE & HOLDING FORCE Magnetic Brake & Holding Force Minor Holding Force POWER SOURCE/ OUTPUT i A closed-circuit control system with motor and generator combined. ' Wide range of speed. ' Simple speed control, easy wiring. ' Magnetic safety brake, great holding ' A closed-circuit control system with motor and generator combined. 1 Wide range of speed. 1...
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PRODUCT NAMG CODING SYSTGM \ ASSEMBLED TYPE VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR Assembled type variable speed motor works with assembled type speed controller. For example, variable speed motor M206-001 works with speed MOTOR TYPE iiJ^ja^^OUTPUT SHAFT SHAPE 7: SWMWorm Gear Shaft Products due to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. jlSBA^JKHSSK&^B^IiSSR^^iflJS , . MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER PRODUCT NAMG CODING SYSTGM ASSEMBLED TYPE SPEED CONTROLLER Assembled type speed controller works with assembled type variable speed speed controller...
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PRODUCT NAMG CODING SYSTGM H: M£llSRiI« Heavy Duty B: efMfSSCSJBSSB) Medium Loading BH: 73f^}£SKMW3WSSB9 Heavy Duty Square Flange BH * H * B are only available with 90mm frame size. HISS! Precision Type: KE: ^Efcffljpr Ball Bearing BE: ^}fflj&l;g&8S3#:Wffl Used For Both Self-Oiling Bearing and Ball Bearing MslstfcSPEED RATIO iMiiGEAR TYPE GN: fSHMiS Helical Gear OX: W.WM Helical Gear ^tSEMMMJBMM GB series is suitable for BLDC motor. SEPARATED TYPE SPEED CONTROLLER HftSADD. SPECS HR: SlfiStt (RiifflS$31/323S«)High-responsive(for 31/32 Types only) S^iTt MAXIMUM CURRENT Wg.&tt\j& Speed...
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Producls due to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warrant}. 9SB&IA3affli§9E^U;^i*llftWSI^>R3?fi?tR . -1*?r&i6SffiHP3 . MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER
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Products due to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not bB covered under warranty. Maa&AM!S(g}$t^#l^r%lW&W:^-&$tWl%t , ^?±SSS5BP3 MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER
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INDUCTION MOTOR & SPEED REDUCER INSTALLATION MANUAL i Please read this operation manual before using this motors. Any problems caused by inappropriate operation contrary with the manual, or damage caused by natural disasters, or restructure without our permission. Sesame will not take any responsibility nor will the motor / speed redjcer be i Warranty is within one year after purchase. Within warranty period, if motor / speed reducer damage is not caused by operation error or by natural disaster, then please send back the product, we should replace the damaged spare part at free of charge....
Open the catalog to page 14All Sesame Motor Corp. catalogs and technical brochures
86 Pages
Right Angle Series
35 Pages
162 Pages
12 Pages
SGC series
10 Pages
PUR series
6 Pages
PHF series
9 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Magnetic Brake Motor
4 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
GB Series Speed Reducer
2 Pages
Customization Products
2 Pages
Precision Gear Motor Catalog
23 Pages
Motor and Reducer Catalog
30 Pages
Archived catalogs
162 Pages
Planetary Gearheads
43 Pages