Magnetic Brake Motor
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Catalog excerpts

Magnetic Brake Motor - 1

• mm CONSTRUCTION (POWER-OFF BRAKE TYPE) SfiESBVifiiHaASaBSfFMI • aRB«39»ffl*B • -atmm • • ksw*»es 58 ■ »8«(iyfflgiyBffi««ia • Our brake motor Is a excitation type motor. Once voltage ts introduced into the coil, the magnet working against the spring w« hold the moving plate, releasing the brake, and allowing tho motor shaft to move freely. ■ eaSBK INSULATION RESISTANCE BBBttWiliJDC soovBBBtBffl • JlSttSiOMnBLt ■ Tested value at 10M.Q and above, measured by DC 500V Hi-Resistance metor between tho coi and housing. B ea«7D HI-POT RESISTANCE »BW9veWW60Hz. lkVEOA-#BHR« • No damages caused after IkV at 60Hz was tested for one maiute between the coil and housing. ADJUSTMENT OF THE BRAKE CLEARANCE fiBffl»BWiS«5K2MffiW«iW2aW*IBlK • ifcB9SHf1®BgS0 l5mm®aaffl(B-«SK09l*K) • -©83KI* • «BJKB*5ttfi9BRiffifilRB3BB* • »KBIBBX£0.3mmB • 0.15mm • Brake clearance is the gap between magnetic coils and moving plate. Tho ideal pre-setting is 0.15mm (around the thickness of a name card). After a period of usage, the clearance is widened due to lining friction and wear. If the clearance is bigger than 0.3mm. please contact us or replace the lining. B ***7JHSWZ) HIGH BRAKING & HOLDING FORCE : anmtmn • ■Haj8KX»nas£jiMi -Built-in excitation brake: as the power Is shut off. it can stop the motor Instantly and accurately holds the load, making It most suitable for emergency braking B llllll BRAKE PRECISION 8H«2-3Brc. ■ -10*/ £ Regardless of rpm, the magnetic brake can control the overturns within 2-3 turns, making it suitable for frequent forward/reverse operation. Brake frequency: 10 tines per minite GL6CTRO-MAGNGTIC INDUCTION BRAKG MOTOR -IP22na«aiP22 ■ OUTLINE * SPECIFICATION ■ Bfu'UNIT mm RATIO TORCWf RATIO CUWNT CAPACITY 0 5*041 0 720 21 2*nm POLE RATEO SPEED RATED TIME STAATWQ TORQUE RATED TORQUE RATED CURRENT CAPACITY 5QW 4 115*1469 JftSfmta OKI 04 V720 91 036*035 W

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Magnetic Brake Motor - 2

mmmm ^i!»( ussojf) RATED TIME STARTING TORQUE RATED TORQUE RATED CURRENT CAPACITY Products due to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. , 'FSHSStSlirt . GLGCTRO-MAGNGTIC INDUCTION BRAKG MOTOR, TGRMINAL BOX TYPG -IP54 ■ OUTLINE & SPECIFICATION ■ Blu/UNIT 5 mm 6WHSHMODEL 1. » The applicable frequency for the ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION BRAKE MOTOR should not exceed more than 10 times per minute. 2. BBSKi IB SES Si I® : eW~25W:, 40W-90W: lOKgxm. Static friction torque of a ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION...

Open the catalog to page 2
Magnetic Brake Motor - 3

MOTOR AND SPEED REDUCER m ■ OUTLINE & SPECIFICATION ■ ISifii/UNIT = mm ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION BRAKE MOTOR, TERMINAL BOX TYPE -IP54 GLGCTRO-MAGNGTIC VARIABLG SPGGD BRAKG MOTOR m ■ OUTLINE & SPECIFICATION ■ TOE/UNIT = mm evmmzm TYPE BRAKE MOTOR Products due to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. , 'f' 3! IS BIS mp3 . imrnrnm TYPE 1. ° The applicable frequency for the ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION BRAKE MOTOR should not exceed more than 10 times per minute. 2. : 6W-25W:, 40W-90W: Static friction...

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Magnetic Brake Motor - 4

■ OUTLINE & SPECIFICATION ■ Mffi/UNIT • mm GIGCTRO-MAGNGTIC VARIABLG 5PGGD BRAKG MOTOR 4owmmsm TYPE Products due to human error, natural disasters or other factors lead to poor or damaged, will not be covered under warranty. „

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