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■ suitable for highly frequent START/STOP OPERATION SEBUSSS ' • saSHiESBgll/ffitfittM • High precision and responsive clutch and brake are most suitable for frequent start/stop applications. ■ PRECISE POSITIONING ||■ E&MSjIUPrM -When the brake is in use, the clutch will separate the link from the brake, so there are no overruns, making positioning precise and accurate. ■ ISstffifS SIMPLE DESIGN urawra' - mm • Adapting compact and space-saving design, making it easy to operate and looking elegant. C CONSTRUCTION OF CLUTCH BRAKER it • ' iWfiHMBMlft • A clutch brake is a precision clutch assembled with a brake, suitable for highly frequent start/stop operation. After adjoining with a speed reducer, it can easily accomplish actions such as positioning, inch movement and interval transportation. ■ 8tn*!ISg§ft)^S SPECIFICATION OF THE CLUTCH BRAKER ■ t8*Paia INSULATING RESISTANCE = ■ J8SB3 INSULATION ENDURANCE: «Bfii1«MeiDC 500V®PflstmiP,l - mffiEiOMQCLt - SgBf?*®IBI&60Hz, 1 kVBQ• Tested value at lOMD and above, measured by DC 500V No damages caused after IkV at 60Hz was hi-resistance meter between the coil and housing. tested between the coil and housing. WIRING OF A CLUTCH BRAKE JHM*(AC)9INi&B' 380ffl«2£(DC24V)!»$i£ n • JHBSBUiKIRR - HMtilftRE&SIIR - mt} • «0lql®*«HBWI$®± -The power source for the motor (AC) and the clutch/brake (DC24V)must be separated. As the switch is on the clutch side when the motor is rotating, the output shaft will start rotating and transmits power accordingly. As the switch is on the brake side, it would stop instantly and hold great retention force.If the DC power is shut off, the output shaft can rotate freely.

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INDUCTION CLUTCH BRAKE MOTOR juramsi ftJBWHMSS OUTLINE & SPECIFICATION ■ffi/UNIT • mm VARIABLE 5P6ED CLUTCH BRAKE MOTOR issii BBMOTOR cfl/cHMME awns/ ssaaMH/MOTOR GENERATOR LEADS 300mm LEADS 300mm, wwaaiMODEL n&mnm «K(V) «¥(hz) aB(P) nmw aaiBB(rpm) smg®(Kg.cmi 3TOR JtffifSSL RATE0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE FREQ. POLE CURRENT ADJUSTABLE RANGE STARTING TORQUE i igffl*5ag*03fflas»i6»*s»*ii85i»*®as?:09«ts>§ • HitcaaraBSfflJiB • Hm«*m*siffls.tfissa*ii!® • a£g»*Qf5i • **2ti);s«si5)afRSffl2B?s • 2. B»ia§B8»it*®s®*8g«m • 8e»a»K»BWB • a#»)»s:Tg*K2ow/a • GK*gsg*w»2iii7jw-#iSGNW •...

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