WTU-508 Wireless Transmission Unit


Catalog excerpts

WTU-508 Wireless Transmission Unit - 1

>11/ DOWNHOLE ^SEABED ^ MARINE WTU-508 Wireless Transmission Unit

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WTU-508 Wireless Transmission Unit - 2

WTU-508 The WTU-508 is a single channel autonomous land node collecting seismic data in its internal memory with 30+ days autonomy. It benefits from Sercel’s new XT-Pathfinder technology to deliver wirelessly up to 100% spread real-time quality control to the recorder. Fully integrated in the 508XT platform, it further reinforces 508XT as the new paradigm in land seismic acquisition. Reduced field effort Deploying, powering and assigning a WTU-508 is as simple as placing the unit at the stake and plugging a geophone string into the connector, while status monitoring and alerting are taken...

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WTU-508 Wireless Transmission Unit - 3

// UP TO 100% MONITORING With the WTU-508, you can monitor in real-time and without any additional infrastructure the state of health of each seismic channel as well as ambient noise levels. This new capability is possible thanks to Sercel’s XTPathfinder technology which automatically creates a wireless network capable of connecting all WTU-508 nodes to the recorder. Field logistics and troubleshooting are minimized as the XT-Pathfinder can respond dynamically to any changes in spread configuration. You can now have up to 100% monitoring of your operations without any constraints and...

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WTU-508 Wireless Transmission Unit - 4

Sercel - France 16 rue de Bel Air B.P. 30439 - 44474 CARQUEFOU Cedex Téléphone : (33) 2 40 30 11 81 Fax : (33) 2 40 30 19 48 E-mail : sales.nantes@sercel.com SAS au capital de 2 000 000 € Siège Social : 16 rue de Bel Air - 44470 CARQUEFOU 378.040.497 R.C.S. Nantes Code APE 2651B www.sercel.com © Sercel 05/17 Produced according to the Sercel environmental

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