Catalog excerpts

— LAND 4 DOWNHOLE ^ SEABED ^ MARINE Downholesa. Seismic tools Ahead of the Curve™
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Today's major challenges for downhole seismic acquisition include 3D and 4D imaging around deeper wells and permanent reservoir monitoring in production/injection areas. Current major constraints include dramatic reduction in acquisition time for cost effective operation in increasingly complex and harsh environments. Since the 1970's, SERCEL has accumulated considerable experience with VSP tools based on proven and successful technologies. GeoWave® II, SlimWave® and MaxiWave® systems, all offering real time telemetry, have been designed to address the needs of large VSP, cross-well and...
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• High Temperature & High Pressure resistant - Designed with specifically built for purpose hermetic + + components for reliable performance + + + + - Optional 30,000 psi / 2,070 bar pressure housing + + + + + • High productivity + + + - Industry best telemetry rate on standard wirelines ( up to 4,2 Mbits/s) - Up to 120 levels (3 components) and up to 3000 m + antenna aperture on standard wireline • Faster & Safer operations - Safe and efficient deployment (less than 2 minutes per tool) due to a new revolutionary method (patent pending) - Continuous...
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HIGH PRESSURE AND HIGH TEMPERATURE RESERVOIRS GeoWave II is the only digital tool on the market capable of continuous acquisition of up to 400°F (205°C) and up to 30,000 psi (2,070 bar). ANY SURVEY TYPE Capable of simultaneous synchronized acquisition with surface spread and multiwell acquisition • Active strong anchoring (with safe retrieval feature) and Dual Sensor for no compromise on data quality and optimum sensitivity Fully compatible with Sercel “MultiWellLink” software From 3” to 22” well diameter both in open and cased hole Deviated well compliant – compatible with downhole...
Open the catalog to page 5
• High Productivity - Up to 24 levels • Ultra slim 1 11/16'' (43 mm) design allows access to slim holes, live pressurized wells, restrictions within downhole completion strings and deployment through tubing • High sensitivity , low noise and excellent vector fidelity • Enhanced flexibility - Available with standard single or quad geophone configuration for higher sensitivity - Tractor compatible - Compatible with Sercel GRC Pressure and Temperature Gauge Ultra Slim design 1" 11/16 Wide choise of conveyance Heptacable, 3 or 4 conductors, coax or monocable or wireline tractor Max. Number of...
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WIRELINE • The standard solution for open and cased holes, for both Monitoring and VSP surveys • Field proven for long term monitoring projects (with hermetically sealed electronics option) • On any type and length of wireline • Compatible with tractor and coiled tubing deployment CEMENTED O • For cost-effective long term monitoring • On any type and length of wireline ON TUBING © • Field proven solution for long-term monitoring and 4D VSP • Can be used for monitoring in the treatment well • Hermetically sealed option for electronics • 3C geophone package, acoustically decoupled from the...
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• High Productivity - Up to 100 levels can be run at 2 ms sampling rate real time with the short cycle times required by offshore surveys • High channel count with standard wireline conveyance • Use of the proprietary deployment system allows rapid system rig up and full system testing during deployment • Unique bypass function allows continuous operation in case of a satellite failure • Fail safe spring loaded locking arm design allows safe operation and retrieval both in cased and open hole • MaxiWave system uses standard GeoWaves auxiliary tools such as Gamma Ray, CCL and...
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LARGE DOWNHOLE SURVEY (3D VSP & WALKAWAY) • Large antenna aperture. • Improved reservoir delineation. • Faults & pinch-out detection. • Possible simultaneous 3D VSP and 3D surface seismic acquisition. • pplication to geological contexts such as overhangs, A salt bodies, gas clouds. • mproved reservoir imaging resolution, statically I and dynamically. • mproved S/N ratio and optimized repeatability I to quantify time-lapse changes in the reservoir. • Monitoring of fluid interfaces variation. • pplication to water-flooding, gas injection, A CO2 sequestration. Base Survey Time-lapse Survey...
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Unique and complete WaveControl Software package provides all necessary functions for system management, data acquisition, quality control, report generation and field processing // WaveControl quality control Data acquisition and WaveControl software is a complete software package for acquiring VSP and monitoring data with all Sercel digital and analog downhole equipment - System Configuration - Data Acquisition - Basic and Advanced Quality Control - Report Generation // ToolsPilot System control ToolsPilot software is a comprehensive software package for controlling the downhole hardware...
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Recorder // WaveLab II Common to all Sercel downhole strings, WaveLab acquisition panel includes : • Power Supply Module. • Telemetry interface. • Interconnecting box (sources and surface channels control). • GPS Synchronization. Acquisition PCS include : • One laptop for the system control. • One laptop for the data acquisition & QC. • oftware to be installed on the logging unit PCs S (if hardware/software compatible). • ingle PC acquisition is possible. S • ndustrial rackable PC can be supplied instead of laptops. I // Compatible with any source
Open the catalog to page 11
GTCU / STCU GJC / SJC / GJC II Junction Cable allows system connection to a 7 conductor cable. Tension Compression Unit allows precise tension measurement for safe downhole operation, and reliable compression measurement for drill pipe or coiled tubing deployment. GGRU / SGRU Gamma Ray Unit allows exact depth correlation using natural gamma ray reading. GCLU / SCLU Casing Collar Locator Unit allows exact depth correlation in cased hole environment.
Open the catalog to page 12All Sercel Inc. catalogs and technical brochures
508 XT
12 Pages
8 Pages
428 XL
12 Pages
16 Pages
Nomad 90 Neo
8 Pages