428 XL
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Catalog excerpts

428 XL - 1

Land seismic acquisition system

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428 XL - 2

428XL is the most popular land seismic acquisition system with a proven performance and reliability. Extremely versatile, it can integrate any sensor type (analog or digital, 1-C or 3-C) and can be used in all survey conditions (arctic, desert, marsh zone...). Leading the market, the 428XL is the system of reference in the industry.

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428 XL - 3

Benefiting from a very long and vast field experience with more than 5.000.000 channels delivered, 428XL is the reference acquisition system of the industry. Owners of the 428XL will accrue this benefit in the form of a five-year warranty on 428XL Line electronics, the longest in the industry. In case there should ever be a problem with field electronics, Sercel has revamped its customer service to replace covered equipment with a standard exchange instead of repairing any individual piece of equipment. Our customers will have more of their equipment working for them a greater percentage of...

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428 XL - 4

// BROADBAND IMAGING Linear response 0-800Hz // EXCELLENT VECTOR FIDELITY // LOW DISTORSION -90dB DSU1:1-C Digital Sensor The DSU1 is a MEMS based digital sensor that receives seismic data in one component!11. The use of digital single sensors offers many advantages compared to an array of conventional phones. Single sensors avoid intra-array statics and with broadband linear response (DC to 800 Hz) and low distortion can provide the highest resolution data available. The small package of the sensor and low power requirements result in a very light weight solution compared with analog...

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428 XL - 5

// HIGH SPEED BACKBONE // HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY Up to 100,000 channels @ 2ms // HIGHER TRANSMISSION RATE Optical data transmission @ 1 Gb/s // SIMPLIFIED DEPLOYMENT Less transverse cable in the field A new range of equipment is now available for the 428XL system increasing the data transmission rate on the transverse from 100Mb/s to 1Gb/s. The capacity of this new transverse is thus also upgraded from 10,000 channels to 100,000 channels @ 2 ms in real time. For mega crews, the number of transverses and LCI will be divided by up to 10, simplifying the deployment and the recorder moves.

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428 XL - 7

• 1-C Field Digitizing Unit • Compatible with any geophone type • -C Digital Sensor Unit 1 • 3-C Digital Sensor Unit • -C Digital Sensor Unit 3 • Burried version LAUX-428 • Line 8 transverse power TFOI-428 • Fiber optic transverse • 2 km max length • 100 MB/s

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428 XL - 8


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428 XL - 9

• uxiliary Control Unit A • 8 auxiliary channels • Analog signal recording • Line Control Interface • Source management • 10,000 channel max Client • User Interface • ulti-Client configurations M (local & remote) Server • Red Hat Linux OS • Seismic data retrieval • Seismic data processing Nas 4 000 • Network Attached Storage • Up to 2TB disk capacity • Raid 1 Disk feature

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428 XL - 10

//ETHERNET RADIO BRIDGE The Ethernet Radio Bridge is a 75 Mbps wireless datalink that can be used in place of a 428XL Transverse cable. The maximum range is typically around 3km but is also dependant on RF transmission conditions and local RF regulations. //line radio bridge LRB-428 is a data acquisition unit and wireless data link that can be used in place of an IAUI-428 to wirelessly connect a line over obstacles or impasses, such as rivers or highways. The LRB-428 can be inserted anywhere in a spread as an element of the 428XL network to relay the data transmission on a line. The maximum...

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428 XL - 11

// eSQC-Pro Quality Control Software eSQC-Pro is a powerful integrated tool for real-time QC of seismic data acquisition without slowing down production. Its client/server architecture allows real-time QC display on a remote standard PC through a secure Internet connection. // SGA Signal Graphic Analyzer SGA is the latest generation of Signal Graphic Analyzer QC Tool. Featuring a new user-friendly graphical interface and being able to work in real-time or standalone mode, SGA can be installed on any computer to perform detailed signals analysis. The software supports a wide range of...

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428 XL - 12

428XL Land seismic acquisition system Sercel - France 16 rue de Bel Air B.P. 30439 - 44474 CARQUEFOU Cedex Telephone : (33) 2 40 30 11 81 Fax : (33) 2 40 30 19 48 E-mail : sales.nantes@sercel.com SAS au capital de 2 000 000 € Siege Social : 16 rue de Bel Air - 44470 CARQUEFOU 378.040.497 R.C.S. Nantes Code APE 2651B

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