

Catalog excerpts


EI18A 系列编码器 EI18A Series Encoder 磁性编码器 / Magnetic encoders 4096以内任意脉冲都可以设置/ Any PPR up to 4096 available 高防护等级 / High protection degree 小尺寸 / Small size (Housing dia.Φ18mm) 螺钉&伺服安装 / Screw&Servo mount 标准尺寸 / Standard Dimensions 伺服安装方式开孔图 Servo panel arrangement 17.6±1 螺钉安装方式开孔图 Screwmount panel arrangement 选型指导 / Selection Guide 例 / Example :EI18A-C5-W4096-P E → 产品系列 / Series 磁性编码器 / Magnetic encoder I → 信号类型 / Signal type 壳体外径 Φ18mm / Housing diameter Φ18mm C → 安装方式 / Installation method 螺丝安装(标准) / Screwmount (Standard) 伺服安装(可选) / Servomount (Optional) 5 → 连接方式 / Connection method 侧面导线(标准) / Wires on the side of the housing (Standard) 侧面线缆(可选) / Cable on the side of the housing (Optional) 尾部线缆(可选) / Cable on the rear of the housing (Optional) W → 输出方向 / Output direction 4096 → 脉冲数 / Number of pulses P → 输出方式 / Output characteristics 注 1 安装方式:标准螺丝安装,可根据客户要求提供伺服安装产品。具体请咨询思博。 Note 1 Installation method: The standard product is installed with screws. Servomount products can be provided according to customer requirements. Please contact SIBO for details if need. 注 2 连接方式:标准品为导线引出,可根据客户要求提供缆线引出的产品。具体请咨询思博。 Note 2 Connection method: The standard product is connected to the device through wires.We can provide the products with cable according to customer requi

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EI18A 系列编码器 EI18A Series Encoder 一般电气性能 / General Electrical Specifications 标准型号 Standard model 工作电压 Applied voltage 输出高电平 Output high level 输出低电平 Output low level 输出形式 Output form 输出脉冲数 Number of output pulse 信号延时 Output propagation delay 工作电流(无负载) Current consumption (no-load) 绝缘电阻 Insulation resistance 介质耐压 Dielectric strength 接线说明 / Terminal Connection Instructions 线色 Color 时序图 / Signal Timing Diagram CW 特殊可选规格 / Special Specifications Available 特殊轴型 Special shaft 可根据客户要求定做特殊轴长、特殊轴径或轴上特殊加工(铣平面、开槽、端部打孔、侧面打孔等)。 Special length of shaft、special diameter or special machining on shaft (like...

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All SENTOP by Shanghai Sibo M&E Co. catalogs and technical brochures

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