

Catalog excerpts


H90JA H90JB系列霍尔操纵杆 ・ H90JA H90JB Series Hall Effect Joystick ・ 标准尺寸 / Standard Dimensions H90JA 安装面板 / Panel Arangements 螺钉孔Screw holes M3-4 深 depth 6 模型名称显示位置 Display position of model name 注Note 1: 在Q和U型的情况下,标有※的操作角度 为±15°~±20°自中心位置,360°方型。 In the case of Q and U type, the operating angle of mark “※”shall be±15°~±20°from the center position, 360° square-direction. 注Note 2: 附4个M3x10的安装螺丝。 4 pcs. of mounting screw M3×10 are attached. 标准型 / 双轴调节型 Standard 2-dimensional coordinate type 标准型 / 双轴调节型 Standard 2-dimensional coordinate type 电位器的导线长 约300mm(AWG26) Lead wires for potentiometers abt. 300mm long 安装面板厚度1~4 Thickness of mounting panel 安装面板厚度1~4 Thickness of mounting panel ◆ H90JA: 电位器外置型 Potentiometer outside-mounted ◆ H90JB: 电位器内置型 Potentiometer incorporated ◆ 霍尔感应型 With a hall effect IC 型号不干胶标签 Sticker label of model number Y轴电位器 (SHSM18E) Potentiometer for Y-axis 选型指导 / Selection Guide S 不适用于我们标准的特殊机械规格 / Special mechanical specifications not applicable to our standards 特殊编号:用于特殊的客户需求 / Special 4/5-digit part number: For customized products 安装部件 / Mounting accessories G 带防尘罩 / With dust proof rubber cover P 带安装面板 / With sub-panel for mounting H 内置霍尔型电位器 / Hall effect IC type resistive element incorporated 90 底部外壳的大概尺寸,以mm为单位 / Approx. size of base housing in mm 弹簧复位装置 / With spring return device R1 单轴调节带弹簧复位装置 / With spring return device for 1-dimensional coordinate R2 双轴调节带弹簧复位装置 / With spring return device for 2-dimensional coordinate R3 三轴调节带弹簧复位装置 / With spring return device for 3- dimensional coordinate J 操纵杆控制器 / Joystick controller 类型 / Kind of types A 单轴、双轴或三轴调节,电位器外置 / 1,2 or 3-dimensional coordinate is available and also means potentiometer outside-mounted type B 单轴、双轴或三轴调节,电位器内置 / 1,2 or 3-dimensional coordinate potentiometer is incorporated inside the housing 内置开关数量 / Number of switches to be incorporated 0 不带开关 / no switch incorporated 1 1个开关 / 1 switch incorporated 2 2个开关 / 2 switches incorporated 3 3个开关 / 3 switches incorporated 4 4个开关 / 4 switches incorporated 5 5个开关 / 5 switches incorporated 6 6及6个以上开关 / 6 and over 6 switches incorporated 9 您其他的开关需求 / Other switches to your special request M 圆形 / Round shape 机械类型 / Mechanism X 单轴调节型 / 1-dimensional coordinate Y 双轴调节型 / 2-dimensional coordinate Z 三轴调节型 / 3-dimensional coordinate 操纵杆的可选操作方向 / Available directions of lever operation O 360°全方位操作(标准型) / Omni-directional 360°operating type (Standard version) I Y轴上"前后"型操作 / I figure (Y) directional operating type L X、Y轴上"L"型操作 / L figure(+Y, +X only) direct

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H90JA H90JB系列霍尔操纵杆 ・ H90JA H90JB Series Hall Effect Joystick ・ 接线示意图 / Terminal Connection Diagram 输出特性 / Output characteristics 5V 4.5V±0.15V (90%±3%) OUT-A OUT-B (白色 White) (蓝色 Blue) 2.5V±0.15V (50%±3%) 输出电压 Output voltage 注1Note1: H90JA是接线端型。H90JA is terminals type. 注2Note2: H90JB是导线型,长约为300mm(AWG26)。 H90JB is lead-wires type with approx. 300mm long. (AWG26) 电线上标有标签以识别输出。括号中显示的是引线颜色。 Wires are marked with tags to recognize the outputs. The color of leadwire is shown in parenthesis. 中位 Center 操作角度 Mechanical Operating angle X&Y:±22°±26° Z:±45°±50° 有效电气转角 Effective electrical rotating...

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H90JA H90JB系列霍尔操纵杆 ・ H90JA H90JB Series Hall Effect Joystick ・ 特殊可选规格 / Special Specifications Available 其他机械规格 Other Mechanical Specifications 其他电气规格 Other Electrical Specifications 安装面板、特殊的把手形状和制动机械(仅H90JA可选) Sub-panel for mounting, special knobs shapes and detent mechanism (only for H90JA) 微动开关、中心位置探测开关、把手内置开关和把手内置翘板开关 Micro switch, center position detecting switch, switch incorporated inside knob and rocker switch incorporated inside knob (当产品带特殊规格时,其一般机械/电气性能和环境性能可能发生改变,请预先同思博确认。 In case of the potentiometer with special specifications, the general mechanical, electrical specifications...

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