Catalog excerpts

Transducer Signal Breakout Unit SBU-01 The SBU-01 Transducer Signal Breakout unit can be used with any Sensor Technology Torque transducer. The unit provides easy access to all the transducer functions including Analog outputs, RS232, USB and the optional CanBUS. Users can also zero the transducer with the SBU-01, and it provides indication of transducer operational status. Benefits No need to wire in your own switches / cables Connects to transducer via ACC-03 and/or ACC-04 cables Keeps all functions in same place Useful for testing and diagnostics Standard Features Analog outputs for both Torque and Speed, or user defined outputs. Ability to zero torque. Ability to enable peak hold. Shows sensor status. RPM TTL out. Features (SGR52x, SGR54x, RWT42x, RWT44x, ORT24x only) RS232 output to computer. USB output to computer (provided transducer has USB output) Data parameters measured at 20ºC Sensor Technology Ltd reserves the right to change specification and dimensions without notice.
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