Catalog excerpts

SM‐WiSTAR is a professional ergonomic receiver to Pressure measure FORCE, WEIGHT, PRESSURE, TORQUE and DISPLACEMENT, extremely versatile and easy to be Force used. Torque Through an integrated wireless communication system it is possible to directly interface with 1, 2, Displacement 3 or 4 SM‐WIMOD modules at the same time in in your the real time. The transmission frequency at 433 HANDS MHz makes the communication safe and reliable even in presence of other transmission systems such as mobile phones, walkie‐talkie, radio‐ microphones, remote‐controls etc. which usually work on other frequencies by ensuring a covering of approx. 100 meters in free space. Measurements are showed on a big graph back‐ lighted display. SM‐WiSTAR is equipped with USB interface for communicating in real time with a PC for recharging the long lasting and highly reliable internal battery (Li‐Ion). In addition to the direct reading of the measurements it is possible to detect PEAKS and to block the measurement on the display thanks to HOLD function. Through the internal DATA LOGGER it is possible to record up to 130.000 measurements either at programmed intervals of time or manually through the REC key. To every recording performed it is assigned the date and the time, the nit is possible to show the recordings on the display or download them on a PC through the USB port. It has been integrated also the TOTAL function which allows to display the sum of measurements detected from several sensors in real time. This function is highly appreciated when the application requires to weigh a big dimensions manufactured article by using several dynamometers at the same time. Typical Applications: Mobile weighing. Overhung loads monitoring Monitoring of pressures on hydraulic and pneuma
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Overhung loads monitoring by using SM‐T20, SM‐ D200 etc. .. dynamometers or load cells
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Main characteristics: HIGH RESOLUTION (128x64 dots) LCD graphic DISPLAY with 3 levels of backlighting to adapt itself to any conditions of external brightness and with the possibility of rotating the visualization of 180°. Programmable MEASUREMENT UNITS: FORCE and WEIGHT: kg ‐ g ‐ t ‐ N ‐ daN ‐ kN ‐ MN – lb ‐ klb PRESSURE: bar‐mbar‐psi‐MPa‐kPa‐Pa‐mH2O‐inH2O‐kg/cm2‐mmHg‐cmHg‐inHg‐atm TORQUE: Nm – Nmm – kgm – kNm ‐ in.lbf ‐ ft.lbf – gcm ‐ kgmm LENGTH: mm – inch DATALOGGER allows to memorize measurements and to keep them in the internal memory even ...
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SENSEL MEASUREMENT 41, rue des laitières – 94300 VINCENNES - FRANCE Tél. : 01 56 88 25 78 - www.sensel-measurement.fr - contact@sensel-measurement.com S.A.R.L au capital de 7500 Euros - SIRET 502 277 908 00013 - APE 7490 - N°
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