Catalog excerpts

VISUAL DIMENSION EASY BUILDER PRO HMI programming environment • Integrated windows development environment, toolbars, dialogs, menu bars, drag & drop drawing objects • Multi-function objects for dynamic use to support user screenpages (graphics, buttons, alarm history etc.) • Multilinguage display support • More than 250 drivers available to ensure easy connection to PLCs, temperature controllers, barcode readers etc. CONNECTION EXAMPLE EASY ACCESS Remote assistance tool • Remote assistance system enabled on HMI VISUAL Series equipped with Ethernet port • Remote access to the operator panel and, in passthrough mode, to PLCs and devices connected to it (in serial or Ethernet mode) without any network configuration • SSL VPN connection for secure data and information exchange with low bandwidth usage FLOW COMPUTER HMI Z-FLOW ETHERNET Ethernet SCADA * ModBUS TCP-IP REMOTE CONTROL VISUAL ORDER CODES VISUAL TOUCHSCREEN OPERATOR PANELS WITH TFT LCD DISPLAY Bottom Tien> front View Side View Front Tlew Via Austria, 26 • 35127 Padova - (I) - Tel. +39 049 87.05.359 Fax +39 049 87.06.287 • www.seneca.it • info@seneca.it No liability for the contents of this documents can be accepted. Use the concepts, examples and other content at your own risk. There may be errors and inaccuracies in this document, that may of course be damaging to your system. Proceed with caution, and although this is highly unlikely, the author(s) do not take any responsibility for that. Prices indicative only & subject to change without notice. SENECA www.seneca.it
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TOUCHSCREEN OPERATOR PANELS WITH TFT LCD DISPLAY VISUAL touchscreen Operator Panels are suitable to satisfy a wide range of applications from small automation to control of complex industrial processes. With 4,3“, 7”, 9,7”, 10,1”, 15” and widescreen format display they allow the visualization of more information than a traditional display, while ensuring external compact dimension. HMI VISUAL screens can be freely horizontally or vertically oriented, depending on the needs of the application. TFT displays support up to 16 million colors with high resolution and LED backlighting. VISUAL...
Open the catalog to page 2All SENECA | AUTOMATION INTERFACES catalogs and technical brochures
16 Pages
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8 Pages
2 Pages
RTUs and Telemetry Solutions
2 Pages
S401 OLED ModBUS Display
2 Pages
Power & Energy Monitoring System
16 Pages
Advanced dataloggers
6 Pages
K Line Compact Converters
8 Pages
Fiber Optic converters
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
212 Pages
Energy Efficiency
8 Pages
Universal Converter
2 Pages
Ultra slim line converters
2 Pages
Distributed systems
2 Pages
ModBUS Display
1 Pages
Photovoltaic Systems
2 Pages
Loop powered display
2 Pages