Catalog excerpts

VPN BOX SENECA SOLUTION WEB SERVER VPN SERVER / CONNECTIVITY MODULE VPN BOX / VIRTUAL MACHINE SENECA SOLUTION WEB SERVER Connection Management SERVER OPEN VPN STANDARD • VPN BOX registrationclient throughcertificatesand password authentication • Server Configuration with free specific software • EnabilingSSL/TSL security for remote access connections • Update via USB Flash drive • Device / Appliance HW • Software / Virtual Machine VPN CLIENT GATEWAYS / ROUTERS FUNCTIONS ModBUS Gateway (from Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU) ModBUS Gateway Shared memory ModBUS calling optimization Serial communication diagnostic Reverse Modbus Gateway (from Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP) Client Modbus TCP ( Gateway Shared Memory) Remote / Virtual COM Port Serial Tunnel Point-To-Point (TCP-UDP) / Point-To-Multi-Point (UDP) 3G+ / 4G Router (DHCP Server, Firewall, DynDNS) Network Redundancy Client OpenVPN Standard Client VPN BOX for Always ON connection Client VPN BOX for ON Demand connection Built-in Web Server Web pages security Ethernet LAN/WAN Ethernet SWITCH Built-in I/O Firmare/configuration update via USB Remote connection block Data Logging Modbus IO/Tag management via SMS System Configuration • Server installed on customer’s network with static public IP • Remote Assistance / Point-to-Point and Telecontrol/ Single LAN remote connection modes • Up to 496 supported devices in Single LAN mode, virtuallyunlimitedin Point-To-Point modent OPEN VPN STANDARD SERVER SOLUTION let’s - IOT CONNECTIVITY SOLUTIONS 100% let’s - IOT CONNECTIVITY SOLUTIONS APPLICATION AREAS BUILDING AUTOMATION REMOTE MAINTENANCE REMOTE CONTROL INTEGRATION WITH IT SYSTEMS TRAFFIC & TRANSPORT x* *function available before Q2 2018 ENVIRONMENT WATER TREATMENT VIDEO SURVEILLANCE & SECURITY CONTROLLORI VPN CLIENT FUNCTION Modem / Router Ethernet ports Serial ports USB ports Industrial protocols IT protocols ModBUS RTU/TCP-IP ModBUS RTU/TCP-IP 3G+ 1 3 1 ModBUS RTU/TCP-IP (only slave) http, ftp, smtp, ppp http, ftp, smtp, ppp IEC 60870-101/104, Energy protocols IEC 60870-101/104, IEC 61850 (opt.) IEC 60870-101/104, IEC 61850 (opt.) IEC 61850 (opz.) OpenVPN - VPN BOX support x x x x VPN / Telecontrol - Single LAN x x x x VPN / Remote Assistance - Point-To-Point x x x x Nr.1 DI (VPN connection) Nr.1DI/DO (VPN connection) Nr.1 DI (general use) Nr.15+2DI, Nr.8DO, Nr.15+2DI, Nr.8DO, Nr.4AI, Built-in I/O Nr.1DI/DO (general use) Nr.1 DO (VPN connection) Nr.4AI, Nr.2AO Nr.2AO Nr.1 DO (general use) Nr. 2DI/DO (programmable) Nr.2 DI/DO (programmable) Sfoftware Straton, ZNET4 Straton, ZNET4 Straton, ZNET4 HMI OEM Straton libraries x x x - PROGRAMMING TOOLS WEBSERVER • Network, gateway, router configuration • VPN Client configuration • RTC configuration • Firmware update OPENVPN (App PC and Mobile) • Client Open VPN flexible configuration • Client authentication • TUN, TAP interface support VPN CLIENT COMMNICATOR (App PC and Mobile) • P2P/SINGLE LAN connection mode • Authentication credentials • Certificates auto installation STRATON • Control SoftPLCaccording to IEC 61131 • R/W functions by PlcSiemens with S7 Protocol ORDER CODES Code ORDER CODES GATEWAY / ROUTER Z-PASS1-IO VPN Industrial Gateway - Serial Device Server, 1DI, 2DO, 1DI/DO VPN Industrial Gateway - Serial Device Server, 2DI, 2DO, 2DI/DO, worldwide modem, 3G+/ Z-PASS2-IO Ethernet Router, GPS VPN Industrial Gateway - Serial Device Server, 2DI, 2DO, 2DI/DO, 4G Ethernet Modem / Router, Z-PASS2-IO-4G-EU GPS SERVER VPN VPN BOX VPN Server for Point-to-Point / Single LAN connections VPN BOX VM VPN Server Virtual Machine for Point-to-Point / Single LAN connections VPN BOX-D VPN BOX Point-to-Point service, 30 day free trial up to 2 devices VPN BOX VM-D VPN Server Virtual Machine for Point-to-Point / Single LAN connections up to 2 devices VPN CC VPN Client Communicator, remote access software VPN CC APP VPN Client Communicator, mobile app VPN MULTIFUNCTION CONTROLLERS Z-TWS4-L-IO IEC 61131 multifunction controller, built-in I/O, Linux based, OEM version Z-TWS4-S-IO IEC 61131 multifunction controller, built-in I/O, workbench Straton, OEM version IEC 61131 multifunction controller, built-in I/O, workbench Straton, OEM version, energy Z-TWS4-E-IO protocols (IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850) Z-PASS2-S-IO VPN Straton Remote Controller, 2DI, 2DO, 2DI/DO, worldwide modem, 3G+/Ethernet Router VPN Straton Remote Controller, 2DI, 2DO, 2DI/DO, worldwide modem, 3G+/Ethernet Router, Z-PASS2-S-IO-E GPS, energy protocols Z-PASS2-SIO4GEU VPN Straton Controller, 2DI, 2DO, 2DI/DO, modem 4G/Ethernet Router, GPS Z-PASS2-SIOE4GEU VPN Straton Controller, 2DI, 2DO, 2DI/DO, 4G Modem/Ethernet Router, GPS, energy protocols S6001-PC Advanced Pump Controller with 7" HMI S6001-RTU Remote Control Unit with built-in IO and 3G+ modem S6001-RTU-E Remote Control Unit with built-in IO, 3G+ modem, Energy Management protocols S6001-PC Controllore pompe con I/O integrato, sistema di programmazione Straton e HMI 7” S6001-RTU All-in-one RTU con I/O integrato, modem 3G e sistema di programmazione Straton S6001-RTU-E All-in-one RTU con I/O integrato, modem 3G e sistema di programmazione Straton, protocolli Energia SOFTWARE TOOLS SDD SENECA Discovery Device, IP scanner SESC SENECA Ethernet to Serial Connection STRATON-D-USB Straton activation key for IEC 61131 controllers STRATON-IDE256 Straton development environment, 256 tags, USB activation key STRATON-IDE512 Straton development environment, 512 tags, USB activation key STRATON-IDEUN Straton development environment, unlimtited tags, USB activation key STRATON-870S IEC 60870-5-101/104 Slave activation license STRATON-870S-850 IEC 60870-5-101/104 Slave activation license+ IEC 61850 Client / Server SSP SENECA Straton Package - CPU Seneca Installer suite STRATON-UPGRADE1 Straton upgrade from 256 to 512 tag STRATON-UPGRADE2 Straton upgrade from 512 to unlimited tags STRATON-UPGRADE3 Straton upgrade from 256 to unlimited tags STRATON-WB Straton workbench IEC 61131 free editor Configuratore sistemi I/O e controller Serie Z-PC, incluso ambiente di sviluppo Web Editor, Trend Z-NET4 Viewer, Data Recorder ACCESSORIES A-GPS-SMA GPS antenna with SMA connector A-GSM Dual band swing GSM external antenna, cable 3,2 m, SMA A-GSM-QUAD-N 4G/WiFi omnidirectional antenna, FME, L=3mt MSD Micro SD memory card with adapter Z-PC-DINAL2-52.5 DIN rail bus system head terminal + 2 slots 52.5 mm Z-PC-DIN1-35 DIN rail bus system head terminal + 1 slot 35 mm Z-PC-DIN4-35 DIN rail bus system 4 slot 35 mm Headquarters: Via Austria, 26 - 35127 Padova (I) T. +39 049 8705.359 - F. +39 049 8706.287 info@seneca.it - www.seneca.it The material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy, SENECA assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions, or from the use of the information contained herein. Reproduction is forbidden unless authorized.
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