Fiber Optic converters
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Catalog excerpts

Fiber Optic converters - 1

S232-FO I S485-FO SETH-FO I SCAN-FO Fiber Optic converters Highlights • High-speed communication SENECA fiber optic converters - S232, S485, SETH, SCAN Series – offer the possibility to extend fiber optic to any type of network / bus • Separation between power and data lines not necessary (LAN / Ethernet, CAN, serial) at the same time. • Protection against electrical discharge They also ensure high levels of security and reliability. The modules make • Easier and faster network diagnostic • Real-time data transmission it possible to use both the single mode and multi-mode fiber, ensuring a reliable and very high speed communication. • Long time lasting communication medium Fiber optic applications include from power plants, telecommunications • Sistance extension and control systems, intelligent transportation systems. • Total noise immunity

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Fiber Optic converters - 2

Fiber Optic converters CONNECTION TOPOLOGIES 1. Point To Point (linked directly) 2. Ring (Single Loop) One optical fibers Two optical fibers Ethernet CAN RS232 RS485 Converters dosed in a RING 3. Redundant Ring (Double Loop) 4. Multi-Drop (In-Line) Several devices connected in line (up to 1000 units) Converters dosed in a REDUNDANT RING CONNECTION MODES Single Loop Double Loop SENECA I Fiber Optic converters

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Fiber Optic converters - 3

RS232 - single / multi mode fiber, single / double loop converterRS485 - single / multi mode fiber, single / double loop converter Ethernet - single / multi mode fiber, single / double loop converter general DATA Technical data and diagrams reported in this document are proximative and not binding. SENECA I Fiber Optic converters

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Fiber Optic converters - 4

Through software tool “COMPOSITOR” available by it is possible to create projects configuration and network parameters, identify devices on the network and their connections. Besides performing diagnostics and monitoring networks, diagnostic registers are easily accessible from SCADA and management software. Pubilication Fiber Optic Converters - March 2016 ORDER CODE Via Austria, 26 • 35127 Padova - (I) - Tel. +39 049 87.05.359 Fax +39 049 87.06.287 • • The material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice....

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