Catalog excerpts

ENERGY EFFICIENCY Network Analyzers Power Meters Threephase Energy Counter Electric Meter Converters Monophase Energy Counter Current Transformers THE BEST ACCURACY AND RELIABILITY! DISCOVER THE POWER OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY WITH SENECA TOP PRODUCTS: • Energy/power meters • Metering solutions • Electric meter converters • Current Trasformers
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S501 and S502 series MONOPHASE ENERGY COUNTER APPLICATIONS • Accounting of the consumptions in EV chargers. • Totalization of the electric energy in the industry for each single line or machine. • Measurement of energy generated by renewable sources such as solar, eolic, etc. • Accounting and billing of consumptions in camp sites, malls, residential areas, naval ports, etc. • Totalization of the electric consumption in hotels, congress centers, exhibition fairs. • Accounting of the consumptions in buildings with executive office services. • Internal allocation of the consumptions in...
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S504C, S504 and S503 series THREEPHASE ENERGY COUNTER • Modbus, M-Bus or Ethernet built-in communication (optional) • For 1 or 5A CT • Programmable CT ratio • Fully bi-directional four quadrants measurements for all energies and powers • For 4 wire networks with balanced or unbalanced load (Modbus or Ethernet) • For 3 or 4 wire networks with balanced or unbalanced load (M-Bus) APPLICATIONS • Measurement of the electrical energy in the industry for each single line or machine. • Measurement of energy generated by renewable sources such as solar, wind, etc. • Accounting of consumptions in...
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• Fully bi-directional four quadrants measurements for all energies and powers • Main electrical parameters measured and displayed for a cost effective consumption analysis • Version for 1 or 5A CT, for direct connection up to 6A or 80A, or for Rogowski coils • Possibility ro record demand values for active & reactive powers (basic version) or MIN/AVG/MAX for all powers (Energy plus version) • MODBUS RTU/ASCII communication by RS485 port or MODBUS TCP communication by LAN port (optional) 3-phase power meter, with display and BASIC functions APPLICATIONS • Energy audit • Monitoring system...
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Energy Efficiency 5 POWER METERS S203T 3-phase power meter, up to 100 mA current input 3-phase power meter, up to 5 A current input 3-phase power meter, with display, up to 600Vac voltage input and 5 A current range 3-phase power meter, with display and input from Rogowski sensors TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power Supply Power consuption Isolation Installation Category Status indicator Display 10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac (50-60 Hz) 2,5 W 4 kVac between input measurement and other circuits 1.500 Vac between power supply and communication // retransmitted output 300 V CAT II e III Power supply, Fail,...
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RC150 series ROGOWSKI COIL • Suitable to measure currents from mA to hundreds of kA • High linearity • Wide dynamic range • Very useful with large size or awkward shaped conductors or in places with limited access • No danger from open-circuited secondary nad not damaged in case of large overloads • Non-intrusive, no power drawn from the main • Totally shielded APPLICATIONS • Measuring devices, lab instrumentation • Power monitoring & control systems • DC ripple measurement • Harmonics and transients monitoring • Very high current monitoring Rogowski sensor are shielded rings designed for...
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Z200 series ELECTRIC METER CONVERTERS APPLICATIONS • Load current monitoring • Energy production • PV panel voltage monitoring • Dedicated line of converter for AC Power Grid parameters such as I / V / P / Q / CosΦ / f • Direct input up to 10A, Voltage up to 1200 V (also Direct Voltage) • Output available as 0/4-20mA or 0-10 V or Modbus RTU • Galvanic Isolation up to 3.750 KV AC Current isolator converter AC Voltage isolator converter AC/DC Voltage isolator converter, loop powered One phase power meter AC/DC Voltage isolator converter TMRS GENERAL DATA Power Supply Power Consumption...
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Energy Efficiency T201 series CURRENT TRANSFORMERS APPLICATIONS • Battery DC Current monitoring • PV panel current monitoring • Load current monitoring • Solid-core Current Transformers , input from 5 to 300 Aac /Adc • Field selectable range (dip-switches) • Output available as 0/4-20mA or 0-10 V • Accuracy 0,2% • Adapter for din-rail mounting included T201 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS WITH 4-20MA OUTPUT (PASSIVE) AC Current (max 40A) Transducer to DC current (4..20 mA - loop powered) DC Current (max 40A) Transducer to DC current (4..20 mA - loop powered) DC Current (max 100A) Transducer to DC...
Open the catalog to page 8All SENECA | AUTOMATION INTERFACES catalogs and technical brochures
16 Pages
1 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
RTUs and Telemetry Solutions
2 Pages
S401 OLED ModBUS Display
2 Pages
Power & Energy Monitoring System
16 Pages
Advanced dataloggers
6 Pages
K Line Compact Converters
8 Pages
Fiber Optic converters
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
212 Pages
Universal Converter
2 Pages
Ultra slim line converters
2 Pages
Distributed systems
2 Pages
ModBUS Display
1 Pages
Photovoltaic Systems
2 Pages
Loop powered display
2 Pages