eMPack A4
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eMPack A4 - 1

Technical Explanation Issue date: Ingo Rabl Jürgen Engstler Ulrich Nicolai Keyword: eMPack, A4, automotive, IGBT driver, Application Sample © by SEMIKRON / 2021-02-05 / Technical Explanation / eMPack A4 Application Kit PROMGT.1026/ Rev.7/ Template Technical Explanation

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eMPack A4 - 2

SEMIKRON set up an Application Kit for eMPack modules for evaluation purposes. The new eMPack module family integrates Semikron’s latest DPD (direct pressed die) and DSS (double side sintering) technology in an ultra-low-inductive module design. While the DPD technology greatly reduces the thermal package resistance, the DSS technology significantly improves the power and temperature cycling capability. The low-inductive module design allows for higher bus voltages and higher output currents resulting in an increased power density. Thus making the eMPack ideal for all kinds of automotive...

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eMPack A4 - 3

Hardware of the eMPack Application Kit The Application Kit comprises the following components:  eMPack Power Module, including mounting screws with isolation sleeves for AC/DC power terminals  Gate Driver Board  DC-Link Film Capacitor  Cooling trough, including gasket and mounting screws Each of the above mentioned items need to be ordered separately. The order numbers are listed in the following tables. Table 1: Order numbers for eMPack power modules and Gate Driver Boards eMPack power module Order number of power module Order number of associated Gate Driver Board Table 2: Order...

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eMPack A4 - 4

Safety Instructions The eMPack Application Kit bares risks when put in operation. Please carefully read and obey the following safety instructions to avoid harm or damage to persons or gear. It is in the responsibility of the installer of the eMPack Application Kit to provide a proper design of the test setup. A proper application circuitry shall include safety precautions such as protective fuses and an adequate electrical insulation arrangement. Table 4: Safety instructions In operation the eMPack Application Kit inherits high voltages that are dangerous to life! Only qualified personnel...

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eMPack A4 - 5

Table 5: Safety regulations for work with electrical equipment Safety Regulations for work with electrical equipment 1) Disconnect mains! 2) Prevent reconnection! 3) Test for absence of harmful voltages! 4) Ground and short circuit! 5) Cover or close of nearby live parts! To energize, apply in reverse order! Please follow the safety regulations for working safe with the eMPack Application Kit. Table 6: No access for people with active implanted cardiac devices! Operating the Application Sample may go along with electromagnetic fields which may disturb cardiac devices. People with cardiac...

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eMPack A4 - 6

Table 7: Handling of ESD sensitive devices The eMPack power module and Gate Driver Board are sensitive to electrostatic discharge and need to be ESD protected during transport and storage! When handling and assembling the devices it is recommended that a conductive grounded wristlet is worn and a conductive grounded workplace is used. All staff should be trained for correct ESD handling. © by SEMIKRON / 2021-02-05 / Technical Explanation / eMPack A4 Application Kit PROMGT.1026/ Rev.7/ Template Technical Explanation

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eMPack A4 - 7

Component Description eMPack power module The eMPack module provides overlapping DC-terminals on opposite sides of the AC-terminals. AC- and DCterminals are fastened by mounting screws with isolation sleeves. The auxiliary contacts are press fit pins. The gate driver board is available as press fit and also as solder version. Figure 3: eMPack power module auxiliary pins Baseplate with PinFins isolation foil plastic cover AC terminal The pinout of the eMPack module is shown in Figure 3 and explained in Table 8. Table 8: eMPack pin description Pin Description Si-version Description...

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eMPack A4 - 8

Figure 4: eMPack circuit diagram Further information may be found in the module datasheet [1]. 3.2 Gate Driver Board The Gate Driver Board comes as an individual component with the eMPack Application Kit. It is 166mm long and 75.5mm wide and perfectly matches the footprint of the eMPack power module. Figure 5 shows the eMPack Gate Driver Board including the assembly on the TOP side. Figure 5: X01-Connector on Gate Driver Board PCB mounting holes to power module © by SEMIKRON / 2021-02-05 / Technical Explanation / eMPack A4 Application Kit PROMGT.1026/ Rev.7/ Template Technical Explanation...

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eMPack A4 - 9

The Gate Driver Board has eight 3mm mounting holes (marked in green) for mounting the driver board on the eMPack module during the assembly process. Detailed information on mounting the Gate Driver Board to the eMPack power module is given in the “eMPack Mounting Instructions” [3]. The Gate Driver Board provides a user interface via the 50pin X01 signal connector. Connector type and pin assignment of the X01 connector are described in the following sections. The functionality of the Gate Driver Board is described in detail in chapter 5. 3.2.1 Connector Type For the X01 connector a 50 pin...

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eMPack A4 - 10

The pin assignment of the X01 signal connector is summarized in the following Table 9. Table 9: X01 pin description Pin Signal name Voltage Level Fault A Output of LOW side switches, Open-Drain, internal RPullup=10kΩ Fault A Output of HIGH side switches, Open-Drain, internal RPullup=10kΩ Fault B Output of LOW side switches, Open-Drain, internal RPullup=10kΩ Fault B Output of HIGH side switches, Open-Drain, internal RPullup=10kΩ Reset Input of LOW side switches, Open-Drain, internal RPullup=10kΩ LOW active, CMOS 5V Level Reset Input of HIGH side switches, Open-Drain, internal RPullup=10kΩ...

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eMPack A4 - 11

Signal name Voltage Level PWM Signal TOP switch Phase V Off=0V / On=5V PWM Signal BOT switch Phase V Off=0V / On=5V PWM Signal TOP switch Phase W Off=0V / On=5V PWM Signal BOT switch Phase W Off=0V / On=5V SPI Serial Data Input SPI Serial Data Output Enable Input for PSU Transformer Driver DC-Link voltage measurement 1 DC-Link voltage measurement 2 © by SEMIKRON / 2021-02-05 / Technical Explanation / eMPack A4 Application Kit PROMGT.1026/ Rev.7/ Template Technical Explanation

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