Catalog excerpts

TUBULAR HEATERS DESCRIZIONE Le resistenze corazzate sono costruite secondo la tradizionale ma efficace tecnologia del tubo in acciaio inossidabile isolato con ossido di magnesio (MgO) e con vulcanizzazioni in silicone standard o anti-taglio, che rendono le connessioni completamente ermetiche. I nostri prodotti prevedono i diametri 6.5mm e 8.5mm e possono essere realizzati secondo specifica del cliente. Tubolar heaters are manufactured using a proven, effective technology, consisting of a heating wire insulated by magnesium oxide (MgO) inside a stainless steel tube and with vulcanizations (in standard or anti-laceration silicone), which make the connections fully hermetic. These products are available with 6.5mm and 8.5mm diameter and can be shaped according to customer specifications. I principali vantaggi sono: --Elevata adattabilità in ambienti con elevato grado di umidità --Ottima resistenza meccanica ed alla corrosione --Elevata affidabilità nel tempo --Ampia gamma di terminazioni, raccordi, flange, sistemi di fissaggio e connessioni a terra. The main benefits are: --High adaptability in environments with high humidity --Excellent mechanic resistance and to corrosion --High reliability over time --Wide range of terminations, joints, flanges, fastening systems and connections to ground. Applicazioni industriali (presse riscaldate, forni e camere calde, piani riscaldanti); hostelleria (armadi frigoriferi, abbattitori di temperatura, scaldavivande, bagnomaria, piani caldi); aria condizionata (macchine per il condizionamento); refrigerazione industriale e commerciale (sbrinamento evaporatori per frigoriferi industriali, commerciali e domestici, vaschette raccogli condensa); elettrodomestici (assi da stiro). Industrial applications (heated presses, ovens and hot rooms, heating surfaces); catering (food warmers, blast chillers, hot plates, bain-maries); air conditioning (conditioning machines); industrial and commercial refrigeration (defrosting of evaporators for industrial, commercial and domestic freezers, drip trays); household appliances (ironing boards). info@sed esgroup .it www.sed esgroup .it
Open the catalog to page 1
TUBULAR HEATERS dati tecnici / technical data MgO TEMPERATURA LAVORO/WORKING TEMPERATURE Cavi silicone/Silicone cable Cavi silicone/Silicone cable Puntali o faston Pin or faston Puntali o faston Pin or faston diametro esterno (Ø)/EXTERNAL DIAMETER (Ø) TENSIONE di alimentazione/SUPPLY VOLTAGE collegamento di terra/GROUND CONNECTION massimo carico specifico/MAX. SPECIFIC CHARGE zone fredde/ELECTRICAL CONNECTION Terminazioni (su richiesta)/TERMINAL (ON REQUEST) Disegno tecnico / TECHNICAL DRAWING ThREAdEd NIPPLE sTEEL shEATh Example: straight element CONNECTION CABLE POWER CABLE sTEEL shEATh...
Open the catalog to page 2All SEDES GROUP catalogs and technical brochures
Sheathed Heaters
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Finned Tubular Heaters
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Immersion Heaters
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Flanged Tubular Heaters
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2 Pages
Thick Film Heaters
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Flexible Heating Cable
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Self-Regulating Cartridge
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Monotube Heating Elements
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Heating Mats
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Heating Bands
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Etched Foil
2 Pages
Constant Power Heating Cable
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Monoexit Heating Cables
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
1 Pages