Catalog excerpts

SCION 436-GC Specification Sheet Dimensions and Weights Height*: 57 cm (22.5 in.), Width: 32 cm (13.0 in.), Depth: 61 cm (24.0 in.) Weight*: 26.8 kg (59lb) * Typical values Environmental Conditions Operating temperatures: 10°C to 40°C. Operating humidity (relative): 5 % to 95 % Line voltage requirements: 120 V, 230 V (±10 % nominal) Column Oven Dimensions: 23 cm (w) x 11 cm (d) x 28 cm (h) Temperature range: • Ambient: +4°C to 450°C • Liquid N2: -100°C to 450°C • Liquid CO2: -60°C to 450°C Temperature program ramps/holds: 24/25 Maximum temperature ramp rate: 170°C/min for all voltages Cool down rate: 400 °C to 50 °C in 4.5 minutes Temperature set-point resolution: 0.1 °C Ambient temperature reject <0.01°C change in oven for 1°C change in ambient temp. Retention Time Repeatability <0.008% or < 0.0008 min, based on n-Pentadecane under temperature programming conditions. Area repeatability < 1% RSD General Specifications Up to 3 EFC modules total, injector, detector and auxiliary Optional backflush GC Control: External events (digital output): • 8 standard • 8 optional, total 16 Max number of timed events: 30 # Heated zones: • Standard 5 Two power outlets 24V (1A max. each) For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. www.scioninstruments.com SCION Instruments 1 Bain Square, Kirkton Campus
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Methods: • Maximum stored internal methods: 50 (max. 30 alphanumeric characters) Logging: • Run log file (stored with the chromatogram when using CompassCDS) • Error log file Local Display: • TFT full color screen • WVGA resolution (800 x 480); size 23 cm (9”) Local Control: • Touch screen • Hard Keys Languages: • English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Cyrillic, Kanji, Chinese (standard and traditional), Thai, Korean and Dutch Local automation: • Method lines: 25 • Modes: Infinite looping Dual and duplicate injection Communication Ethernet: Protocol: TCP/IP Data rate: 100...
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Injector Options Maximum injectors: two, operating concurrently Pneumatics: Electronic Flow Control (EFC) Injector types: • S/SL Split/Splitless injector* • PTV Programmable Temperature Vaporizing* • COC Cold On-Column injector* • Flash injector • PWC Packed/ Wide bore On-Column injector * including septum purge S/SL Split/Splitless injector Pressure range: 0-150 psi Total flow: 500 mL/min for N2/Ar 1500 mL/min for He/H2 Maximum temperature: 450°C Split range: 1-10,000 (column dependent) Suited for columns: • Wide bore: (0.53 mm) COC Cold On-Column injector Pressure range:...
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Temperature range: • Ambient + 10 °C to 450°C using air cooling • -160 °C to 450 °C using liquid N2 cooling • -60 °C to 450 °C using liquid CO2 cooling Maximum temperature ramp rate: 200°C/min Temperature ramps/holds: 24/25 Split range: 1-10,000 (column dependent) Operational capabilities: • Large volume injection • Temperature ramped splitless • Cold on-column Suited for columns: • Wide bore (0.53 mm) • Narrow bore (0.05 to 0.32 mm) Maximum injection volume: 250 |iL (LVI mode) Flash injector Pressure range: 0-150 psi • Total flow: 50 mL/min (Type 23 EFC) Maximum temperature:...
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Detector Options Maximum detectors: two, operating concurrently (one of which is a Single or Triple Quad MS) Pneumatics: Electronic Flow Control (DEFC) Detector types: • FID Flame Ionization Detector • TCD Thermal Conductivity Detector • ECD Electron Capture Detector NPD • NPD Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector • PFPD Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector • PDHID Pulsed Discharge Helium Ionization Detector • MS Mass Spectrometry (see GC/MS brochure and datasheet) Note: Data Acquisition Rate: 600Hz for all detectors, (exception PFPD) FID Flame Ionization Detector Maximum temperature: 450 °C •...
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PFPD Pulsed Flame Photometric Detect Photomultiplier tube: S/P • S/P/N Maximum temperature: 450 °C Detectivity: • S: 1 pg S/sec (S/P tube) • P: 100 fg P/sec (S/P tube) • N: 20 pg N/sec (S/P/N tube) Linear dynamic range: • S: 10 3 • Up to 23 elements can be detected PDHID Pulsed Discharge Helium Ionization Detector Detectivity: 50 ppb (Methane) Linear dynamic range: 104 (Methane) Operational quality: • Gold plated connections • Welded column connections Detectors (DEFC) Module types: 6 detector-specific modules Accuracy: ± 7 % set point flow Resolution: 0.1 or 1 mL/min Automation...
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8400 Autosampler Sample capacity: 100 x 2 mL vials Large solvent wash vial: 2 x 120 mL* Dual and duplicate mode Internal standard addition Modes of operation: • Liquid • Ambient headspace* • SPME* • Sample heating and cooling* • Pre-programmed modes of injection Syringes: • 1μL, 2 μL,5 μL,10 μL,100 μL,250 μL for liquid injection • SPME * Optional Optionally a CTC-PAL autosampler, including specific options may be installed. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. www.scioninstruments.com SCION Instruments 1 Bain Square, Kirkton Campus Living
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