Catalog excerpts
LEED /Auger :_Nano Technology
Open the catalog to page 1Versatility for Structural and Chemical Analysis 15 years experience in the production and development of LEED systems enables OMICRON to offer a variety of LEED instruments and supporting software with both excellent performance and reliability. SPECTALEED PC Control Unit SPECTALEED The SPECTALEED family ranges from basic instruments for crystal preparation with optional AES capability, to advanced applications. These include investigation of insulators or sensitive samples using beam currents down to 0.1 nA, dedicated Spot Profile Analysis (SPA-LEED), I/V measurements, real-time Video...
Open the catalog to page 2a uniform work function. The wide viewing angle (102°) and minimal shadowing of the screen by the miniature electron gun give a maximum visible LEED pattern. The integral miniature electron source operates down to 5 eV, and is designed for minimised light emission - a very important feature for LEED I/V analysis. The standard thoriated tungsten filament allows the operation at high background pressures and in aggressive atmospheres, e.g. oxygen. An optionally available LaB6 filament yields a perfectly circular spot with high beam current and extremely low stray light, due to the low...
Open the catalog to page 3The MCP-LEED uses a fringe-field correction plate to produce a perfect LEED pattern on the plane channelplate. MBD-LEED with 3 pre-aligned, integrated miniature evaporators. MBD-LEED MCP-LEED The highly sensitive channelplate version of the SPECTALEED reverse view LEED optics is specially designed for operation using low primary beam currents. Such low beam currents may be demanded in applications where the beam current levels experienced in standard LEED applications (typically in the microampere range) may possibly lead to damage of delicate samples or cause rapid charging of insulator...
Open the catalog to page 4Let's Talk About Software SpectaView is a user-friendly Video-LEED system for high-speed imaging and l(V)- and ^-meas- urements, consisting of software (Windows NT), frame grabber and low light CCD camera. The Video-LEED image is displayed in real-time. The high rate of data acquisition required for the study of dynamic processes is achieved by data storage rates in excess of 8 frames per second. Data analysis may be carried out either directly, or from the saved images. Up to 18 l(V) curves can be measured simultaneously in either auto- matic, template or manual spot-tracking modes. The...
Open the catalog to page 5Latest version of the SPA-LEED, redesigned in close collaboration with the University of Hannover. SPA-LEED achieves excellent resolution and high dynamic range by scanning the diffraction pattern relative to the detector by means of a patented octopole detector. SPA-LEED Conventional LEED is most commonly used to judge surface perfection, identify adsorbateinduced superstructures and determine the surface structure as derived from I/V curves. Spot Prole Analysis (SPA-LEED) was pioneered by Prof. Henzler and his group at the University of Hannover. The SPA-LEED is manufactured under...
Open the catalog to page 6(0,0) spot Intensity Si/Si(111) ring" which identifies a regular distribution of islands on the surface. Coverage [Bilayers] Spot intensity oscillations and spot profile measure-ments during epitaxial The SPA-LEED is operated by the LEED control electronics in growth processes give precise measures of the growing coverage and the combination with the SPA-LEED Control Unit. growth characteristics, e.g. increasing roughness. The SPA-LEED data acquisition and evaluation software features an easy-to- handle setup routine. Rate meter and oscilloscope functions are displayed on the monitor, thus...
Open the catalog to page 7How to contact us Headquarters: Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH Limburger Str. 75 • D-65232 Taunusstein • Germany Tel. +49 (0) 61 28 / 987 - 0 • Fax +49 (0) 61 28 / 987 - 185 or Taiwan: Omega Scientific Taiwan Ltd Tel. (02) 8780-5228 • Fax (02) 8780-5225 Singapore: Omicron NanoTechnology USA Research Instruments Pte Ltd Tel. 01342 331000 • Fax 01342 331003 Tel. (952) 746-1316 • Fax (952) 952-1320 Tel. 775-7284 • Fax 775-9228 France: USA (East): India: Omicron Eurl Omicron NanoTechnology, E. Regional Office Mack International Tel. 04 42 50 68 64 • Fax...
Open the catalog to page 8All Scienta Omicron catalogs and technical brochures
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