Catalog excerpts
Ultimate SPM performance below 5K ■ Increased LHe holding time ■ High-frequency wiring for time-resolved SPM ■ Increased spectroscopy resolution ■ Record proven performance level in STM, STS & QPIus nc-AFM ■ Lowest Thermal Drift & Highest Stability ■ Reliable design to ensure high up-time ■ MULTIPROBE platform combines high-end solutions of SPM, ESPEC and MBE
Open the catalog to page 1L S enera in ormation Since its intro uction in our Lo emperature S as set t e stan ar or sta i it perormance an pro ucti it or 4LHe at cr ostat S s ore t an ears a er presentin t e L S t e importance o o temperature S tec ni ues in a i e ran e o acti e scientific fie s is sti un ro en Spectroscop on mo e cu es atom manipu ation car on supercon uctors semicon uctors ases on meta s an ma netics are on a e e amp es ere researc ta es reat a anta e o o temperature S it in a t ese areas more pu ications a e een pro uce it our L S t an it a ot er commercia o temperature S s com ine n recent ears...
Open the catalog to page 2To support such experiments we increased the hold time of liquid helium by 30% without any compromise to the proven stability the LT STM always delivered. By enlarging the volume of the LN2 vessel, the LN2level in the cryostat is always above the level of LHe leading to a reduced helium evaporation rate and an overall hold time of more than 65h. This is of great advantage for all low temperature experiments and will further improve the performance and productivity of your LT STM with reduced operating costs. The cryostat of the third generation LT STM provides an extended holdtime of above...
Open the catalog to page 3The LT STM stage has been designed for ultimate STM and AFM performance. It employs a very efficient damping system based on the combination of spring suspension and eddy current damping. This, together with the very rigid scan head design, ensures excellent vibration isolation with a stability in the femtometer range. While maintaining its unique performance level, the LT STM has been continuously improved for additional functionality and flexibility. Some examples for the experimental customisation possible with the LT STM are: pre-fitted tapped holes at all optical axes and the cryostat...
Open the catalog to page 4LT STM Ultimate QPIus performance Our leading QPIus AFM technology has been proven in innumerable publications showing highest resolution noncontact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) images. Detecting the short range chemical interaction between the foremost tip and sample atoms, enables atomic resolution imaging and quantitative force measurements. Local Electronic and Chemical Structure of Oligo-acetylene Derivatives Formed Through Radical Cyclizations at a Surface Semiconducting n-conjugated polymers have attracted significant interest for applications in light-emittng diodes,...
Open the catalog to page 5The LT STM has the capability for simultaneous evaporation by two evaporators during STM operation. With the sample facing down, deposition of materials from below becomes possible. In addition, the large Z-coarse range of 10 mm for tip positioning allows for removal of the tip from the evaporation zone. The easy to operate thermal shield compartment consists of two shield pairs for LHe and LN2 shielding, respectively. To minimize heat impact, the shield concept provides three wobble stick selectable configurations: (i) SPM operation with Tmin < 5 K; (ii) evaporation port open and...
Open the catalog to page 6L S ri an repositionin accurac ne o t e a anta es o e periments at o temperatures is t e on measurement time on t e same mo ecu e or atom e Scienta micron L S is no n or t e o est t erma ri o om ine it t e intrinsic sta i it t e L S pm ea s to u tra sta e con itions ic are nee e in e periments suc as ri spectroscop or us nc e periments Series o i ages ac uired o er a period o hours at . .S on Si . . n . he white cross ar s the Si corner ho e position at the beginning o the easure ent. o so ware dri correction has been e p o ed. treme o t erma ri o in t erma e ui i rium Re ia e repositionin...
Open the catalog to page 7Various Sample Plates & Tips STM tip carrier STM tip carrier (QPIus version) (STM version) Direct 4 electrical Standard sample QPIus AFM current heating contacts plate sensor carrier The transfer plate with a new sensor is inserted into the sample stage. The scanner is moved up to pick up the sensor. The LT STM tip holder allows for easy mounting of any tip material by simple clamping and is magnetically fixed at the scanner. The transfer plate allows access for various tip preparation techniques such as sputtering and e-beam heating, while keeping the sensor holder itself in a secure...
Open the catalog to page 8The MULTIPROBE LT UHV systems are dedicated surface science systems for the low temperature UHV STM. Three standard MULTIPROBE LT configurations are available - S, XP and XA. Each standard system can be used as a base to match the customer's special requirements. The LT S represents the basic system configuration with the LT STM main chamber and an easy to operate fast entry chamber. Transferring samples and probe tips is made quick and reliable using a UHV wobble stick. The LT XP system is an extended version of the LT S offering a separate chamber for various sample preparation and...
Open the catalog to page 9LT STM General layout and variants Pos. 2 \ Pos. 1 Interface port to other UHV systems Cleaving stage or cooled sample carousel* Tip preparation tool* Wobble Stick ln-situ evaporator & high-res microscope* ln-situ lens system* in convocal geometry MULTIPROBE LT S (Handling): The MULTIPROBE LT S (shown below) is equipped with a fast entry load lock to introduce samples (or tips via Scienta Omicron tip transfer plates) into the vacuum system (position 1). A magnetically coupled transfer rod (,mag probe') is used to transfer the sample into the sample carousel (position 2). In this position,...
Open the catalog to page 10MULTIPROBE LT XP (with XP-type preparation chamber) Additional features compared to LT S: - UHV sample manipulator, various heating and cooling options available - Ports for e.g. sputter source, evaporators, and LEED or RHEED for in-situ growth characterisation Handling: The MULTIPROBE LT XP is equipped with a fast entry load lock to introduce samples (or tip transfer plates) into the vacuum system (position 1). A mag probe is used to transfer the sample to position 2. A second mag probe transfers it to a high precision sample manipulator (LN2 or LHe cooling and various heating options...
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