Catalog excerpts

SCHOTT is an international technology group with more than 125 years of experience in the areas of specialty glasses and materials and advanced technologies. With our high-quality products and intelligent solutions, we contribute to our customers’ success and make SCHOTT part of everyone’s life. SCHOTT Solar CSP with its high performance receivers – which comprise the core of all solar power plants using parabolic trough and linear Fresnel technologies – contributes decisively to making tomorrow’s energy production possible today. We rank as market and technology leader for receiver tubes...
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SCHOTT Solar CSP: the most bankable receiver supplier Outperforming technology, excellent production and service and an unmatched track record Technology • Superior product durability and lifetime • Benchmark product performance • Strong product development capabilities Excellence in production and service • Lean manufacturing • Reliable high volume capability • Technical customer service on-site • After-sales service Track record • 3 GW installed base (out of 4 GW total) • More than 50 projects supplied around the globe • More than 1 Million receivers delivered
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Parabolic trough technology The first choice for large-scale solar power generation Concentrated Solar Power – Clean and predictable electricity generation around the clock Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology uses energy from the sun to generate heat, which is used in steam cycles to produce electricity. The technology is particularly efficient in regions with high direct solar irradiation, encompassing the earth’s sunbelt on both sides of the equator to 35 degrees latitude. CSP plants are used in a similar manner like conventional steam power plants. The key difference is that CSP...
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How parabolic trough power plants work In a CSP plant, the generation of heat mostly depends on the level of solar irradiation. In order to achieve the necessary temperatures, solar radiation is concentrated in parabolic trough arrays. These troughs can be more than 600 meters in length and are made of parabolic shaped mirror segments. The troughs track the sun over the course of the day and focus the solar radiation along the focal point of the mirrors onto the “heart” of a CSP plant: specially coated, evacuated receiver tubes. The receiver tubes convert solar radiation into thermal...
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The SCHOTT PTR®70 Receiver Platform Three receiver products – one technology base SCHOTT introduces the 4th generation of receivers which collects the experience of more than 1 Million receivers installed in over 50 CSP projects worldwide. The 4th generation receiver products are built upon a common technology platform. With the base product, the platform already provides best-in-class optical and thermal performance. The Premium receiver includes an integrated noble gas capsule and facilitates sustainable profitability far beyond 25 years of operation. The Advance receiver paves the way to...
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SCHOTT PTR®70 Receivers Designed for maximum profitability of the power plant SCHOTT Solar CSP introduces the 4th generation of receivers, which benefits from the experience of more than 1 Million r eceivers installed in over 50 CSP projects worldwide. The new generation SCHOTT PTR®70 again sets the benchmark in product performance and provides superior product durability and lifetime. The SCHOTT PTR®70 is designed for usage in state-of-the-art power plants operating with oil-based heat transfer fluids at temperatures up to 400 °C. Stable performance Higher efficiency through low heat...
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Validated best-in-class performance According to measurements at DLR (German Aerospace Centre) Quarz, the SCHOTT 4th generation receiver shows an optical performance 6 % above the industry standard. Heat loss measurements carried out in a round robin test performed by SCHOTT Solar CSP in cooperation with NREL (US National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and DLR confirmed a heat loss of less than 250 W/ at working temperatures m (400 °C). Technical specification Thermal losses • ength: 4060 mm at 20 °C ambient l temperature (159.8 inches at 68 °F) • perture length: > 96.7 % of the bulk length...
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SCHOTT PTR®70 Premium Receivers Best performance with integrated 2nd life kit SCHOTT PTR®70 Premium Receivers incorporate a major benefit for power plant owners and investors: a noble gas capsule. With this solution, receivers affected from the “hot tube phenomenon”, which reduces significantly the thermal efficiency of the receiver, can be recovered easily making possible to reach again thermal efficiencies close to the initial ones. This makes possible to extend the lifetime of the receivers and to minimize the O & M costs associated with replacements increasing the overall plant...
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SCHOTT Premium Receivers with activated noble gas capsule provide 10 % higher life-time output Simulations show that solar fields with activated noble gas capsule receivers yield 10 % more electricity output over 40 years of operating lifetime, as compared with conventional receivers that remain in the solar field when turning into hot tubes. Moreover, noble gas capsule solar fields almost reach the output level of solar fields with new replacement receivers. These direct benefits of maximized output and minimized O & M costs reduce risks and increase the overall profitability of the power...
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prototypes & small series P 1*6561106 lifetime DLR reference # # annual capacity receivers delivered Technical Bencr£™acrtk Your innovation Service performance partner inst^ 100% delivery Profitability Over 50 commercial reliability booster plants world wide
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SCHOTT Solar CSP GmbH Vpriiil production 90604 ENGLISH 11131.0 kn/ODD Printed in Germany
Open the catalog to page 12All SCHOTT GLAS catalogs and technical brochures
SEFUSE® D6S Battery Fuses
2 Pages
Automotive Electronics Brochure
12 Pages
EP Image brochure
32 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
Optical Components
2 Pages
1 Pages
Laser Windows
1 Pages
Laser Mirrors
1 Pages
Interference Filters
1 Pages
D 263® T eco Thin Glass
1 Pages
Cylindrical Lenses
1 Pages
Ball Lenses
1 Pages
B 270® & B 270® i Flat Glass
1 Pages
Aspherical Lenses
1 Pages
AF 32® eco Thin Glass
1 Pages
Advanced Optics at a Glance
2 Pages
Optical Filters 2013 - Catalogue
149 Pages
Optical Glass 2011 - Catalogue
114 Pages
Glass Wafer - Catalogue
20 Pages
24 Pages
Radiation Shielding Glass
2 Pages
Polished Prism
1 Pages
Optical Glass Coatings
1 Pages
Fused Silica
9 Pages
Optical Glass Catalogue 2010
90 Pages
Glass Filter Catalogue
43 Pages
ZERODUR® Catalogue
22 Pages