Products for Laser Applications
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Catalog excerpts

Products for Laser Applications - 1

100 x 2 ìm Products for Laser Applications XXXXX ENGLISH XXXXX.X kn/XX Printed in Germany In the field of laser components, our capabilities allow us to offer a broad portfolio for many laser applications. Fulfilling the most demanding requirements in both the laser cavity and the beam delivery system, SCHOTT’s global solutions stand out in the market beyond our expertise in materials. We are able to provide high quality polished and coated components. Our state-of-the-art facilities around the world enable us to produce highperformance optical components. Some examples are listed below: • Aspherical Plano-Convex Lenses (AR & High LIDT coated) • Cylindrical Lenses • High-power Laser Plano/Plano Mirrors (Total/Partial reflectors) • Beamsplitters (with different splitting ratios) • Laser Windows (AR & High LIDT coated) • Thin-film Polarizers • Glass Diffractive Optical Elements (also with AR coating) • PrismsOptical Filters (absorption as well as interference) • Blanks SCHOTT has always been known for offering complete solutions. Our portfolio includes not only components to be used within a laser system but also elements which enable a safe working environment for laser applications. We offer a wide variety of products to manufacturers of laser safety goggles and windows for cabins. Among others our scientists have developed filter glasses with high transmittance in the visible and high absorption in the IR (especially 1064 nm for Nd:YAG laser). Components

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Products for Laser Applications - 2

Technology/Coatings The first running laser was made by Theodore Maiman in 1960. Since then, there have been significant developments in lasers and they are widely used in practical and industrial applications. The word laser is an abbreviation for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. This explains the basic principle. Stimulated emission is being forced in an amplifying medium. This amplifying medium must be pumped with external energy, i. e. with light or electrical power. A mirror cavity determines the emission wavelength and enhances the stimulated emission....

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All SCHOTT GLAS catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. Polarizers

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  3. MEMpax®

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  4. Ball Lenses

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  6. Fused Silica

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Archived catalogs