AF 32® eco Thin Glass
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AF 32® eco Thin Glass - 1

AF 32® Thin Glass Product Information AF 32® eco is an alkali-free flat glass produced by a SCHOTT specific down-draw ­ echnology, enabling production in a t t ­ hickness ­ ange from 0.03 mm to 1.1 mm. r Its fire-polished surface results in a low roughness value. The coefficient of thermal expansion of AF 32® eco matches ­ silicon, therefore it is the perfect choice as ­ ptical ­ ackaging ­ o p material in ­ emiconductor related ­ pplications. Due to its s a high transformation temperature it can be used for high temperature applications up to ­ pprox. 600 °C. a AF 32® eco is available in wafer format and is ­ anufactured m with eco-friendly refining agents. Applications Wafer Level Chip Size Packaging • oefficient of thermal expansion match to silicon C • High transmittance • arge sheet format suitable for 12-inch wafers L MEMS • oefficient of thermal expansion match to silicon C • ow roughness due to fire-polished surface L Wafer Level Chip Size Packaging Wafer Level Optics • oefficient of thermal expansion matches C • Silicon • High transmittance • everal thicknesses available S • Tight thickness control • asy to dice by diamond saw E Technical Data round and square custom size wafer formats, e.g. 6”, 8” or 12” Surface roughness Standard thicknesses Coefficient of mean linear thermal expansion α (20 °C; 300 °C) (static measurement) Advanced Optics SCHOTT AG Hattenbergstrasse 10 55122 Mainz Germany Phone +49 (0)6131/66-1812 Fax +49 (0)3641/2888-9047

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