Catalog excerpts

Our Products & Competencies Optimize Your Product Short Glance at Advanced Optics, “Your Partner for Excellence in Optics” SCHOTT Advanced Optics, a leading glass manufacturer offers a broad range of c utting edge materials and components for various optical applications. With its e xperience of more than 125 years in optics and as the last remaining optical glass producer in the western world, Advanced Optics has continuously extended its c apabilities, competencies and product portfolio and should be your first contact when it comes to optics. Advanced Optics is already part of many people‘s lives through providing materials and components into various products addressing numerous industries. We hold very close customer relationship worldwide and are not only a supplier but also a consultant, development part er, advisor, and a pioneer and influencer of the intern national optical industry (REACH, RoHS). Today, the product portfolio of Advanced Optics holds more than 120 optical glasses, special materials (e. g. active laser glass, IR-materials, sapphire), ultrathin glass, high-precision optical components, wafers, and optical filters (optical filter glass and interference filters). Advanced Optics masters the entire value chain: from customer specific glass development and its production all the way to high-precision optical product finishing, processing and measurement, and developing customized solutions all over the world for applications in optics, lithography, astronomy, opto- lectronics, life scie ences, research, and more. More information can be found at: www.schott.com/advanced_optics/products Products Optical Components Aspherical Lenses I Cylindrical Lenses I Glass Wafer & Substrates I Optical Filters I Prisms I Spherical Lenses I Windows & Substrates Leveraging the extensive portfolio of all optical materials, SCHOTT offers custom high precision optical components: from prisms (pressed, polished or coated) to windows & substrates, aspherical lenses (CNC-machined, molded or polished), spherical and cylindrical lenses, mirrors, intererence filters and more. In addition state-off the-art polishing, coating and metrology is being applied. Optical Filters Blue Filter Glass I Contrast Enhancement Filters I Interference Filters I Optical Filter Glass I Suntanning Filters SCHOTT offers one of the broadest portfolios of optical filters comprising of color glasses and customized inter ference filters. More than 55 filter glasses for different spectral ranges, and special interference coatings (bandpass, longpass, shortpass, notch, protective, decorative) can be supplied together with special filters such as night vision, contrast enhancement and solarization filters.
Open the catalog to page 1
Products Optical Materials Active & Passive Laser Glass I CONTURAN®, CONTURAN® DARO I HT & HTultra Glasses I i-line Glasses I Infrared Chalcogenide Glasses I Low Tg Glasses I Optical Glass I Radiation Resistant Glass I Radiation Shielding Glass I S apphire I Wafers & Thin Glass I ZERODUR® I Zinc Sulfide More than 120 high quality optical glasses addressing the requirements for various appli ations. Special variants c such as LowTg glasses especially suited for precision molding, HT & HTultra variants, with a superb transmission as well as HH glasses, with an extraordinary homogeneity....
Open the catalog to page 2All SCHOTT GLAS catalogs and technical brochures
SEFUSE® D6S Battery Fuses
2 Pages
SCHOTT PTR70 brochure
12 Pages
Automotive Electronics Brochure
12 Pages
EP Image brochure
32 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
Optical Components
2 Pages
1 Pages
Laser Windows
1 Pages
Laser Mirrors
1 Pages
Interference Filters
1 Pages
D 263® T eco Thin Glass
1 Pages
Cylindrical Lenses
1 Pages
Ball Lenses
1 Pages
B 270® & B 270® i Flat Glass
1 Pages
Aspherical Lenses
1 Pages
AF 32® eco Thin Glass
1 Pages
Optical Filters 2013 - Catalogue
149 Pages
Optical Glass 2011 - Catalogue
114 Pages
Glass Wafer - Catalogue
20 Pages
24 Pages
Radiation Shielding Glass
2 Pages
Polished Prism
1 Pages
Optical Glass Coatings
1 Pages
Fused Silica
9 Pages
Optical Glass Catalogue 2010
90 Pages
Glass Filter Catalogue
43 Pages
ZERODUR® Catalogue
22 Pages