Catalog excerpts

Maximum force range from 15 kN to 220 kN The SCHMIDT ® HydroPneumaticPress range consists of a modular system suitable for transforming, joining and assembling optimally within the pressing force range 15 – 220 kN. With the addition of the SCHMIDT ® PressControl 75 or 600 and the optional process monitoring, these presses become EC typeapproved, CE-conformed workstations. Therefore these press systems can be used in either single cycle mode or automatic mode. The application determines selection of the press system. Consideration is given to the flexible design of the assembly location taking into account the ergonomic and safety aspects. These characteristics are achieved by means of a finely adjusted, modular type product range. The efficiency and increased process reliability of these press systems have been proven many thousands of times, in single applications, semi-automated assembly systems and have been integrated into automated production lines.
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System design 1 Cylinder unit Hydro pneumatic 2 Air throttle rapid approach stroke For speed control of the downstroke 3 Press head unit The working height can be rapidly and accurately adjusted due to the height adjustment’s ease of use. Can be used without the frame as processing station in automated installations 4 Pneumatic control package Two-channel pneumatic package (as shown) is based on a modular valve block 5 Force output preselector The press force output can easily be controlled via a separate pressure regulator and pressure gauge. The pressure for the power stroke can be...
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Rapid approach stroke Power stroke Rapid approach stroke In rapid approach stroke, the air connections 1 and 4 are pressurized with compressed air. The air connections 2 and 3 are depressurized. The approach stroke piston 6 and the reservoir piston 7 are moving with low force until the ram 5 encounters resistance. Power Stroke If the ram 5 encounters resistance, a valve switches the compressed air from 4 to connection 3 , and the power stroke piston 8 moves downwards. A rod enters the high pressure cylinder, separating the hydraulic oil between reservoir piston 7 and approach stroke piston...
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C-Frame design Characteristics he C-Frame design offers full accessibility when manually inT serting and removing parts asy adaptation to different tool and part heights because of E simplistic height adjustment with angular gear nti-rotational square ram with fully adjustable, Teflon lined A gibs for precise travel. No die set required igh precision due to long precise guides of the square ram H Adjustable switch target pieces for position detection via an inductive position sensor Rapid approach stroke Operational pressure (bar) Square ram with bilaterally adjustable, play-free gibs,...
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Options o Additional charge applies 11 Special models total stroke / power stroke on request 2) Typical values; can vary ± 3 mm due to casting and production tolerances Detailed dimensional drawings can be downloaded: www.schmidttechnology.de
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C-Frame design with welded press frame Characteristics The welded press frame offers highest stability pace-saving and compact due to separate working cylinder for S press No. 68 Square ram with bilaterally adjustable, play-free gibs, precision machined bore with set screw for mounting of tooling. Some models feature additional provisions for tooling adaption. Rapid approach stroke 6 Fixture mounting plate (for Press No. 64) with 3 T-slots and precision machined bore for tool location. Power stroke Operational pressure < 3 bar: can only be operated with press force preselector!
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From 72 kN to 100 kN in power stroke Press Type Total stroke - Power stroke 1) Nominal force at 6 bar Throat depth Ram bore External ram dimensions Working height 3) Frame No. 64 Frame No. 64-600 Frame No. 68 2) Frame No. 68/5 2) Weight (standard) Press Type Frame Overview Special fixture mounting plate with 3 longitudinal slots Options Additional charge applies 1) Special models total stroke / power stroke on request 2) Frame 68/5 required for 30 mm power stroke 3) ypical values; can vary ± 3 mm due to casting and production T tolerances Bottom view of the press head Mounting drill pattern...
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C-Frame design with force / stroke monitoring SCHMIDT ® HydroPneumaticPresses with force / stroke monitoring are offered as complete system with control unit SCHMIDT ® PressControl 600. These systems are characterized by sensors and signal amplification integrated in the press head. These signals are evaluated in real time. Characteristics irect forces are measured due to the force sensor integrated D in the ram. Insensitive against side forces Signal readings are not affected by outside interference measuring data amplification integrated in the press head A provides short transmission...
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From 15 kN to 52 kN in power stroke Press Type Throat depth Throat depth frame Process data acquisition stroke force Total stroke - Power stroke 1) Nominal force at 6 bar Fixture mounting plate suitable for throat depth frame Ram bore External ram dimensions Working height 2) Frame No. 301 Frame No. 301-500 Frame No. 329 Frame No. 329-460 Weight (standard) Press Type Special fixture mounting plate with 3 longitudinal slots No. 329 No. 329-460 Frame Overview Special fixture mounting plate with 3 longitudinal slots Options Additional charge applies 1) Special models total stroke / power...
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In C-Frame design with force / stroke Monitoring SCHMIDT ® HydroPneumaticPress with force / stroke monitoring are offered as complete system with control unit SCHMIDT ® PressControl 600. These systems are characterized by sensors and signal amplification integrated in the press head. These signals are evaluated in real time. Characteristics irect forces are measured due to the force sensor integrated D in the ram. Insensitive against side forces ignal readings are not affected by outside interference S measuring data amplification integrated in the press head A provides short transmission...
Open the catalog to page 10All SCHMIDT Technology catalogs and technical brochures
Controls and Software
12 Pages
SCHMIDT® ManualPress
11 Pages
SCHMIDT® ServoPress
2 Pages
SCHMIDT® PneumaticPress
13 Pages
SCHMIDT® PressControl
12 Pages
Schmidt® Presses
85 Pages