Group: Dürr

Catalog excerpts

SCHENCK HM 20- HM 30 Horizontal Balancing Machines Unrversally applicable High balancing accuracy Easy upgradtng Ihrough rnodular structure and a wide range of acc essor ies Hard-bearing principle ensures fast change-over CAB 700 or CAB 920 measuring instrument, with extensive operator prompt ing Extensive safety equipment for ait protection classes Range of application Universal balancing machines serres HM enable prcise balancing of a wide spectrum of rotors. They are suitable for cylindrical rotors having their own shaft journals and for balancing dise shaped rotors on balancing arbors. Permanent calibration. ergonomie design and a togical operating squence fac驯litate opration. A rnodular design principle and a wide range of acce&sohes make the machine highly flexible. Schenck universal balancing machines sries HM arc a highly efficient investmont. bolh for ono-off rotors and for small batchos. S驩quence of oprations Manually load work-piece on the bearing pedestals. close hold-down bearings and connect drive (belt drive or drive shaft). * Close protection device and start automatic measuring s镩quence: Accթlration, dtermination and display of the unba驮ance on the measuring instrument, brake. The readout is retained on the measuring instrument even after the measuring run h as ended. * Open protection device. manually correct unbaance (if required). * Chock correction resuit (with measuring Instrument displaymg whcthor the tolrance has bcon achioved) and un load the rotor from the machine. Spcial features * Easy to operate - hard-bearing principle limintes the need for calibration runs * Provides for correction in two planes or separate according to static and couple unba颮ance * Rotors can be mounted on their original shafts or on mounting arbors, optionally with mounted anti-friction bearings * Angle indexing display in case of belt drive * Automatic measuring cycle wrth inf inttely variable settings for acclration, measuring and braking time * Upgradeable by many additional modules e.g. for mass correction KSCHENCK Sthcnck RoToc GmbH Tclcfon (0 61 61J 32 23 11 htlp.AWww wrhenck rotet de Laodwchr*lra驙 $5 Talefax (0 $1 SI) 32 23 15 E-hM rol*c3>«h*nck.nct D-64Z93 Oarrmladt
Open the catalog to page 1
SCHENCK HM 20 - HM 30 Horizontal Balancing Machines HM t*«nngp»<f*9M» C*trr*t>cty t** highty vlurdv bwrng p^Nh ojirantrn h-ɣj> 1 OaLvcng mMlMl CoWolɯ and mwicaing dvwc* ovnmll flrrwn. ht^i tatnr易y *r*J low dvriingllipa of ih* **Ji**v* '«rrinihumi pfintiplc with t>c n*tfc*c |*t tj ihe bejrvn» pointai da^wd n ■ Jyiwnurtei The Plan vicw (f篻ivbiridfcng Ckvt^Je) w*wa art ananoad otjt**de Oie tww pnh and an* ihanJore no* afTKtrd by i n-*>«ts KSCHENCK Sthcnck RoTcc GmbH Tclcfon (Q 61 &1J 32 23 11 htlp.AWww wrhcnck rotcc de Laodwchmlra $5 TcMax (0 $1 SI) 32 23 15 E-Mail roU*^*ch*rvck.n*t D-6 4 29 3...
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SCHENCK HM 20- HM 30 Horizontal Balancing Machines technkaj data at a g tance HM 20 HM 3 HM30 1 Measuring unit CAB 700 CAB 700 CAB 700 Roi 1er carnages ■ Underalung belt drive BU ■ ■ ■ End drive * * Protcctrvo dovioa as par ISO 7475 Չ Rotor Weight, max. IkOl 100 300 700 Diameter, max. (mm) 1260 1200 1260 B«aring distance, max* ImmJ 1330 1330 1330 Efcaring journal diamctar (mm) 9-140 9-140 10-100 Machins Width A (mm) 2260 2260 2260 Depth 8 (mm) 1060 2290 2260 Hcight C (mm) 2000 2000 2000 Balancing speed, min* (min -1| 120 120 120 MARU [gmm] 2.0 Sfl Air pressure (kPa) - 600 600 Power supply...
Open the catalog to page 3
SCHENCK HM 20 - HM 30 Horizontal Balancing Machines to MM 10 w*h pottction data C, tn «I oiftef Hm ptoiccooo ol*w B 0 ■ Du ftqutat KSCHENCK Schcnck RoTcc GmbH Tclcfon (Q 61 &1J 32 23 11 htlp.AWww wrhcnck rotcc de Laodwchmlra $5 TcMax (0 $1 SI) 32 23 15 E-Mail roU*^*ch*rvck.n*t D 64293 Oarrmladt
Open the catalog to page 4All SCHENCK RoTec GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
7 Pages
Static Balancing Systems
5 Pages
8 Pages
HS 10 - 40, HS 10 Twin
3 Pages
6 Pages