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GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines
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Catalog excerpts

GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines - 1

SCHENCK GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines 5 - Measurement of axial and radial runout FFT an a ly sis Measurement ot rotors with varying diameters Fully automatic squence of oprations Interfacing wrth production lines Inteqratton inlo vertical-axis balancing machines Separate machines available for short cycle tirnes NC comrol PC based rneasuromeni instrument Range of application Measurement of diameter an runout includmg FFT analysis on brake dises, torque converters, pulleys, shaftsand clu驯ch dises. Oepending on application, the measuing System may be integrated into a single- or multi-station vertical-axis balancing machine, ff shorter cycle tirnes are required. a seperate machine should be used Design # Integrated into a vertical-axis balancing machine or as a seperate station # Fully automatic squence of oprations with froety progarnmablc controller wrth lautt diegnosis # Evaluation bymoansof PC # Work-piececlamping and measurement of required features # Manual loading of machine, optionally with handling and conveyor equipment KSCHENCK Sthcnck RoTcc GmbH Tclcfon (0 61 61J 32 23 11 htlp.AWww wrhenck rotet de Laodwchmlra驙 $5 reJcfax (0 $1 SI) 32 23 15 E-hM rol*c3>«h*nck.nct D-64Z93 Oarrmtadt

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GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines - 2

SCHENCK GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines fanoul mMwmKiil on yvtoi tcmpcr**^ trt**jr atnd ri« hjly anomal >r vrrt«ol Tolrance" conwyor 111*! Ty*«n deTfnnn thrtfvwiffiMci ot a bfafce d*w The mao*i*ne hjNy ■rut r,m«(iraJly and m kwJvd by irun of a handin j Ay-itam OWKliirttm mtwmd indudt: L*fetaJ and r&djJ rvwUWirinnaDrinclaF FT afiAlfctlfKiukr.xi o鯯 ierr«»*tuTv coeffictent ^A^iinj ijitc*Ti on Uifjua c_t»^^rt(y% Tf*a cornet/y ff«ntf'n| rTm-iww ■* kiadoJ and unloaded OMomatm Chva<tenit<* df^m^t^i rekKlf- LatrraJ hj-kxX ond 'cajfxVew ni Httionfi^nrkirtmffbino^i riumrf tH-Ruhrait ci drtvar...

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GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines - 3

SCHENCK GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines 1 BtLincigi*W|2 MftnpModonS Tramport* Maitrr rotordepoMfc ftjt <4 tolennc* KSCHENCK Schcnck RoTcc GmbH Tclcfon (Q 61 &1J 32 23 11 htlp.AWww wrhcnck rotcc de Laodwchmlra $5 IcMax (0 $1 SI) 32 23 15 E-Mail roU*^*ch*rKk.nct D-6 4 29 3 Oarrmladt

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GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines - 4

SCHENCK GS 1000 Geometry Measuring Machines Mefturing unit Mnnunl loading Auiomattc l⻢ding * * Rotor Pulley*. flywheela m ■ Torque convertir* Օ Brake dises * WeiQht |ko) upto100 kg un to 90 kg up to 50 kg Dis met er, max. 000 400 400 Heiflht, max, t* 200 300 300 MathhM Width A iٙj 2100 2100 2100 Depth 6 3300 3300 3300 Height C 2600 2000 2600 Radial runoul ■ * * Axial runout ٕ * Gamctcf rծrfcftn>ntf>on Օ ■ Wovincss * Conccntricity * Roundnua * FFT analysis ■ Temprature coefficient play tontine Etyl 陕 fi 1000100 01 R1000200 01 R100030001 KSCHENCK Sthcnck RoTcc GmbH Tclcfon (0 61 61J 32 23...

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