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150 VM, 151 VM, 150 SVM, 151 SVM, 350 Automatic Vertical Balancing Machines
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150 VM, 151 VM, 150 SVM, 151 SVM, 350 Automatic Vertical Balancing Machines - 1

SCHENCK 150 VM, 151 VM, 150 SVM, 151 SVM, 350 Automatic Vertical Balancinq Machines Fully auto m al le oprations I squence Manu al loading and un loading Interf acmg wrth production line is possible Fully aut orna tic unbalance correction by dnlling, millrng. welding or riveting Analog or NC axiscontrolled correction Digital measured data processing Range of application Measurement and correction of single-piano unbalanco in diseshaped rotors with and without shafts. such asflywheels. TMF (twin mass flywheels). brake-drums. gears. clutch*plates. compensation shafts. blowers. etc. Flexible int驩gration Into production line and simple change over of the machine to diffrent rotor types by exchange of work-piece interface adapter and slection of rotor type file. Unbalance correction by axial or radial driJIing in polar or component format.If the initial unbalance is larger than can becorrectedby one drilling action, multiple holescanbe drillcd. Design Fully automate single-station machine wrth intogratod high-performance drill unit. Freely programmable control with fautt diagnosis and status display. Clamping of the wonVpice to the balancing machine by pr驩cision adapters with pneumatic unctamping mechanism. Support device tocated under the work-piece during drilling, to compensate for the drill force. Unbalance valuation, correction calcult ion and correction control through PC controlled rneasunng unit. Manual loading or optional loading for the machine by a hand-operated System and the corresponding conveying technique. Other unbalance correction methods such asmilling. welding,riveting or punching can be integrated into the machine on request. The correction units are flexible and are adapted to the work-piece. KSCHENCK Schcnck RoTcc GmbH Tclcfon (0 61 61J 32 23 11htlp.AWww wrhenck rotet de Laodwchr*lra颙 $5 r«fefax (0 $1 SI) 32 23 15 E-hM rol*c3>«h*nck.nct D-64Z93 Oarrmtadt

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150 VM, 151 VM, 150 SVM, 151 SVM, 350 Automatic Vertical Balancing Machines - 3

SCHENCK 150 VM, 151 VM, 150 SVM, 151 SVM, 350 Automatic Vertical Balancing Machines ft*lK4lfy arrangad *x**e *pnoV a>*tingorrt ttr «huI unbolance torrett«j% tr» pridi 1 Ool*nC"g unn.2 DHI un< 3 Uewunng. dev<e4 Con|rob6 SweH extrade (opn iiew Vkkv l*r»Sr»j c * fc*t niltj KSCHENCK Sthmck RoToc GmbH TCIcfon (0 61 61J 32 23 11 htlp.AWww wrhenck rot« de Laodwhr*lra $5 TcMax (0 $1 SI) 32 23 15 E-Mail roU*^*ch* D-6 4 29 3 Oarrmtadt

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150 VM, 151 VM, 150 SVM, 151 SVM, 350 Automatic Vertical Balancing Machines - 4

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