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MULTIDOS® MTD-E Weighfeeder .. Weighfeeder for bulk solids of most diverse properties .. Wide performance range .. Large, flexible kit-system with versatile options .. Spindle spacings of up to 10m in steps of in 0.5m .. MechaTronic design with compact drive .. Safe belt run monitoring and tracking .. Easy belt change without auxiliaries Application Schenck Process weighfeeders are used for continuous gravimetric feeding of bulk solids. Their rugged design makes them suitable for the harsh demands of industrial operation in the rock, sand and gravel, metal and basic mate-rial, chemical and animals feed in-dustries. Application oriented types and the high quality standard of the Schenck Process weighfeeders ensure eco-nomical solutions even to highly so-phisticated feeding tasks. The first-class measuring, control and supervisory electronics enables comprehensive monitoring of weigh-feeders. The MechaTronic variant permits easy integration into plant control at a very reasonable price. This results in: .. Minimal investment and sequential costs (operating and maintenance costs) thanks to a particularly easy-to-maintain con-struction .. little installation effort and low space requirements .. Improved accuracy and quality of the final product. Construction The weighfeeder standard equip-ment comprises: .. Rugged feeder mechanics .. Automatic belt tracking .. Plough scraper for cleaning inner belt and tail pulley .. Belt outside scraper .. Static belt tension through take-up screws integrated in frame .. Gravity take-ups for constant belt tension .. Belt influence compensation (BIC). BV-D2259GB

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Variants The modular construction of the MULTIDOS®MTD-E allows a great degree of flexibility in the configura-tion of a weighfeeder which bests fulfils requirements. The following components are available: .. The belt widths: 650, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 (mm) with .. Spindle spacings of: 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000 (mm) Special lengths of 4000 mm upwards are available in steps of 500 mm up to a length of 10 000 mm. The modular frame construction means the longest single element would have a length of 2500 mm. .. The diameter of the head pulley is 190 mm. It may also be supplied with Ø...

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Equipment / Attachments / Optional Extras Technical Data Accuracy (related to actual value) ± 0.25 to 0.5 % application-dependant system-dependant better than ± 0.25 % Conveying speed max. 0.5 m/s, dependant on material feed Material temperature 80°C with standard, 130°C and 170°C with special variants Belt width (mm) Feed rate max. 650 800 1000 1200 1400 Volumetric / m³/h 70 150 250 350 450 Gravimetric / t/h (with = 1,5 t/m³) 100 220 350 500 700 Max. hopper length for drum Ø 190mm (with 1.4t/m³) 1200 1500 1800 1600 1200 Max. hopper length for drum Ø 320mm (with 1.4t/m³) 1200 1500 1800 2400...

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Dimensions * BV-D2259GB 0736 All information is given without obligation. All specifications are subject to change. © Copyright by Schenck Process GmbH, 2007 MULTIDOS® MTD-E Distance pulley to pulley A [mm] Belt width BB [mm] Di-men-sion 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 650 800 1000 1200 1400 B 1225 1225 1225 1225 1225 1725 2725 3725 4725 5713 C 230 730 1230 1730 2230 2230 2230 2230 2230 2230 D 2152 2652 3152 3652 4152 4652 5652 6652 7652 8652 E 1010 1210 1410 1610 1810 F 1385 1585 1785 1985 2185 G 350 500 600 800 1000 See planning-in drawings for further dimensions Other...

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All Schenck Process Holding GmbH catalogs and technical brochures

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  5. ModuPlasma

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  6. MaxiStore®

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  7. SacMaster®

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  8. Food industry

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  9. TEDO Conveyors

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  10. RotoScrew

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  11. DWB

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  12. MultiFlex

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  13. LinaClass®

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  14. Stock Valves

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  15. SacMaster

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  17. DISOCONT ®

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Archived catalogs


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  3. ProFlex® C

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