Catalog excerpts

Everybody needs good neighbors. ModuPlasma™ Odor abatement system.
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» Pet food » Vegetable oil » Metal » Fish feed » Human food » Wood chips » Animal feed » Tobacco Laundry should always smell clean and fresh! Safe and quick reduction of manufacturing-related odors. With ModuPlasma™!
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»»High level of odor reduction – typically 75 to 99 % %. »»Low energy consumption. »»Low maintenance. »»Environmentally safe. »»Recognized as a best available technique (BAT) by the European Union’s Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control bureau (IPPC). The problem is: how do you define what is an acceptable level of odor? Some countries have regulations, others don’t. But whatever the law says is acceptable, your neighbors may have a different opinion. Schenck Process has unrivaled expertise in dealing with odor and can help you find a solution that will protect the environment and...
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ModuPlasma™ efficently removes odor from emissions. Unlike competitor technologies, ModuPlasma™ is also highly effective for particulate emissions. ModuPlasma™ removes the problem of odors carried by humidity. 3 for the price of one. ModuPlasma™ removes not only odor but also dust & humidity from emissions. That means really blue skies ahead for our customers! Dust & fine particles Dust is a major environmental nuisance that is not removed by most odor abatement technologies, such as ozone injection systems. By contrast, ModuPlasma™ is highly efficient especially on fine and ultra-fine...
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Low environmental impact The environmental impact of producing ModuPlasma™ equipment is lower than that of other solutions and the associated technologies. Low energy consumption The maximum electricity required in operation is typically 15 kW per 20,000 m3/h. Because of the low pressure drop, the need for increased capacity is small. Cleaning done by water ModuPlasma™ creates no by-products other than what results from cleaning, which is normally just product and water. Small footprint. No biomass, no ozone, no chemicals. But a clear conscience. »» With ModuPlasma™ waste by-products and...
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»» Does not require any start-up or shut-down time. »» Can be installed on both the suction side and pressure side. »» Made for real industrial emissions containing dust and aerosols. »» Combines odor reduction with removal of particles including ultra-fines (PM 2.5). »» Very low maintenance and operating costs. Just switch off odor. ModuPlasma™ is an odor abatement system that uses direct cold plasma treatment, which means that the emission is led through an energy field, in contrast to other plasma solutions, where ozone and radicals are injected into the emission. This direct treatment...
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Because there is no one-fit-all solution to odor, Schenck Process customizes solutions to fit the customer‘s needs, if necessary alongside additional technologies. Customizing with additional technologies. Ultraviolet light and carbon filters can be used to enhance performance in combination with ModuPlasma™. For example, we have installed ModuPlasma™ plus UV light solutions together in tobacco factories. This extends the oxidation process beyond what can be achieved using ModuPlasma™ or UV alone. Combining the technologies provides a higher level of odor reduction. Typically it’s needed...
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Contact your Schenck Process representative for a free initial assessment of your requirements for odor abatement and particulate control. And find out about our many successful applications across a range of industries including fish and animal feed, food and beverages, tobacco and materials processing. © Schenck Process Europe GmbH, 2018 02.18 · All information is given without obligation. All specifications are subject to change. Schenck Process has successfully installed ModuPlasma™ at numerous factories and processing plants around the world. Key to this success is the company’s deep...
Open the catalog to page 8All Schenck Process Holding GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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