Air pollution control
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Catalog excerpts

Air pollution control - 1

Air pollution control Modular concepts for any airflow volume Environmentally-friendly solutions for odour and particle removal

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Air pollution control - 2

Small footprint – big effect Clean technology for environmentally-sustainable solutions Our air pollution control system applies two different techniques for air cleaning; non-thermal plasma and electrostatic precipitation. Schenck Process air pollution control systems have been installed on emission volumes from < 10 000 m³/h to 2 000 000 m³/h. Due to the modular concept any airflow volume may be treated. The general principle of our non-thermal plasma is based on the mechanisms of atmospheric chemistry using nature’s own way of “tidying up” air pollution. Concentrations of radicals in the...

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Air pollution control - 3

The ModuPlasma™ is a direct treatment system, meaning that the emission is led through the energy field, in opposition to other plasma solutions, where ozone is injected into the emission. •• Removes odour and particulates from emissions, with an abatement efficiency of 75-99.9 % •• Nominal capacity of one module: odour < 20 000 m³/h, particles < 35 000 m³/h •• Power consumption: normal: 10 - 25 kW, maximum: 30 kW per module •• Small footprint •• Low pressure drop (approx. 40 – 180 pa) •• Can be installed on both suction and pressure side •• No consumables in operation •• Limited effluent...

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Air pollution control - 4

03.14 di · All information is given without obligation. All specifications are subject to change. BV-P 2118 GB Schenck Process Norge AS Bedriftsveien 25 N-4313 Sandnes, Norway T + 47 51-60 22 00 © by Schenck Process GmbH, 2014 The Schenck Process Group is a global market leader in weighing and feeding technology /// screening and separation systems for bulk materials /// dust collection and air filtration technology /// pneumatic and mechanical conveying solutions /// automation and diagnostic technology

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All Schenck Process Holding GmbH catalogs and technical brochures

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