Industrial engines


Catalog excerpts

Industrial engines - 1

SCANIA INDU ST RIAL E NGIN ES W hen relia b ilit y , econom y and performance is important >

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Industrial engines - 2


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Industrial engines - 5

T his low - rev approach Ӕ also ma k es our engines particularly suitable W ithin the Scania engine range you will defi - In practice , this means lower f or several tas f f or machines or vehicles where the engine is required to generate power k uel consumption s simultaneously , , less vibration and less wear along with quieter and smoother operation. and nitely fi nd a diesel that suits your needs and application area. f or P T O ( power ta k e - out ) operation. T he range covers 5- cylinder 9- litre engines , 6- cylinder 12- litre engines and our top - o f- the - line engine the 16-...

Open the catalog to page 5
Industrial engines - 6

C ommunicates via a C A N bus , which reduces wiring requirements and connection points. R eliability , availability and durability are important Scania benefi ts. Օ C ommunicates engine data via S A E protocol > D ua l o il fi ltr a ti o n s y ste m . A s is the combin - J 19 3 9 to the vehicle s other systems , such as the transmission O ne reason f or the engine Ғ s good overall economy is Scania ation o f low f uel consumption and low e x haust emissions. , P T O and warning systems. s unique oil fi ltration system. W ith more and more applications being covered by norms that regulate e...

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Industrial engines - 9

Scania s engines are designed to provide the ma obvious when it comes to the cylinder heads x imum number o f operational hours per year , with the Җ all Scania engines are designed with one head per cylinder. f ewest and shortest standstills possible. A one - piece head f or all the cylinders may require up to O ne good e x ample o f this concept is the modular approach f our people to li f t and manoeuvre it , where vital engine com - , while a separate head is light enough to be li ponents such as cylinder heads , cylinders and pistons are used in all engine types. f ted and precision -...

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Industrial engines - 10

SCANIA INDU ST RIAL E NGIN ES T his production volume can easily be converted into tangible customer benefi ts. 60 , 000 engines a year for trucks, buses and industrial and marine installations. Scania P ower. Wherever there are considerable demands on dependability, maximum uptime and total economy, an engine from Scania is the obvious choice. Scania manufactures more than E xperience, competence and quality are some of the foremost benefi ts. P ower certainly makes a ma j or contribution to high total quality irrespective of the application. P roximity to service and rapid access to parts...

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All SCANIA Industrial & Marine Engines catalogs and technical brochures

  1. DI16 071M

    2 Pages

  2. DI16 070M

    2 Pages

  3. DI13 073M

    2 Pages

  4. DI09 072M

    2 Pages

  5. DI13 070M

    2 Pages

  6. DC09 072A

    2 Pages

  7. DC13 072A

    2 Pages

  8. DI16 077M

    2 Pages

  9. DI13 085M

    2 Pages

  10. DI09 072M

    2 Pages

  11. DI16 070M

    2 Pages

  12. DI13 073M

    2 Pages

  13. DI13 072M

    2 Pages

  14. OC16 071A

    2 Pages

  15. DC13 093A

    2 Pages

  16. DC976A_257kW

    2 Pages

  17. DC974A_202kW

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs