Catalog excerpts

KIT FOR ORGANIC WASTE COLLECTION STELO 10 EVO Shopping Bag meets Kitchen Caddy The Perfect Match! Sartori Ambiente is member of CIC (Italian Composting and Biogas Association) which promotes the policy of waste reduction, the carrying out of separate waste collection for the selection, processing, recycling and utilization of biomasses, and in general, of organic waste which can be turned into compost. ® Printed on Natural Paper in October 2015 by Stelo 10 litre bins can be produced in post-consumer recycled plastic certified “Plastica Seconda Vita” (Second-Life plastic) from the Italian Institute for the Promotion of Recycled Plastics. This option supports the objectives for Green Procurement with the re-use of recycled plastic materials, to help minimize the impact on the environment in manufacture. TONELLI entino.net tipografiatonelli@tr Sartori Ambiente is certified according to ISO 9001 and IS
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STELO 10 EVO The kitchen caddy created to simplify the segregation and collection of organic waste; the perfect solution for reusing biodegradable or compostable shopping bags. The best solution for the reuse of shopping bags. Fastening system for shopping bag handles Handle with lid locking mechanism and “easy bag” system. . Designed both for ordinary liners and for the reuse of biodegradable and compostable shopping bags, as well as for paper bags. . Total aeration system for the segregation of food waste in optimum conditions. . Moisture is reduced by 15-30% through evaporation, avoiding...
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Aziendale Sartori Ambiente
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Didactic composter
1 Pages
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2 Pages
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URBA 30/35/40
2 Pages
URBA 20/23/25
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
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2 Pages