Suction cups
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Suction cups - 1

Technical Guide about vacuum gripping The advantages of suction cups handling make this gripping technology the solution that should be considered first and foremost. > Reliability Simplicity No risk of damage to the product Gripping by a single surface High transfer rates Low unit cost Quick and easy replacement Gripping of all types of products Low servicing > High accuracy positioning Limited lifting capacity / gripping surface ratio Very porous product > SAPELEM is very concerned regarding safety matter. Check for the following rules: Safety factor Material Dynamic forces Vertical handling Altitude Operating principle of a suction cup Suction cup is activated by pressure difference between inside (vacuum) and outside (atmospheric). Suction cup is thus able to lift few grams to several tons in accordance with its diameter. Units: 1 atm = 1,013 bar = 1013 mbar 1daN/cm 101,3 kPa 760 mmhg >

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Suction cups - 2

A BREVIATIONS F : tear-out force Pv : suction cup pressure Patm : atmospheric pressure S : useful surface P : vacuum pressure D : diameter C : theorical lifting capacity Example: In theory, to lift a 100 kg load, with a vacuum level of 80% D=1,11 x (100/0.8)0,5 = 12,4 cm P x S2 Round suction cups lifting capacity: C max = 0,81 . P x DҲ Calculation of suction cups diameter: D = 1,11 x (C/ P)0,5 UNITS U : % vacuum F : Newton Pv : Pascal Patm : Pascal S2 : cm2 S1 : m2 P : bar D : cm C max : kg Nota: 0,81 bar = 80% vacuum = 80 Kpa = 600 mm hg > Effective suction cup lifting capacities vary...

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Suction cups - 3

Because of these parameters, a safety factor for vacuum handling is mandatory. > SAPELEM represents France at the European Committee for Standardization. The draft code EN 13155 set out by CEN/TC 147 states that: Suction cup lifting systems must be dimensioned so that the adherence strength is always at least equal to 2 the effective component of the nominal load at the lower limit of the vacuum pressure range which may be used (˅) This safety factor of 2 (for horizontal handling) takes into account only a part of uncertain parameters (surface condition, etcۅ). The following points must be...

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Suction cups - 4

Suction cups quantity must be sufficient to guarantee the product flatness. > To prevent the suction cup to deform the product, it is better to use several smaller suction cups or suction cups with stops. Porous products or uneven surfaces Porous materials induce leakage through the products. The vacuum level in the suction cup (and thus its lifting capacity) will be lower (F = k.U). Test must be performed to confirm cups and vacuum generator determination. Sapelem and its retailers network can perform them. > The suction cups quantity will also be determined by the weight to be handled and...

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Suction cups - 5

C 0,6=(12x(0,6/0,8) = 9 Kg Suction cups model determination > BellowsҒ quantity depends both on the type of the product to be handled and on the type of the used machine. With regard to thin and fragile products likely to have uneven gripping surface it will be better to opt for minimum 1.5 bellow suction cups. As regards as stiff products which have a perfectly flat gripping surface we will choose flat suction cups. Besides if the manipulator has a low accuracy of position stop it will be advisable to compensate this inaccuracy by bellows suction cups. For handlings with high accelerations...

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Suction cups - 6

Standard materials Special materials Natural Rubber (parablond) Silicone Nitrile Polyurthane Nitrane Sel f - extinguishing Nitrile EPDM Viton Detectable Silicone Materials abreviations SI NBR NR PU NPR EPDM SI Material reference 10 20 30 40 24 29 55 60 12 Temperature range (C) - 50 to 200 - 10 to 80 - 10 to 60 0 to 60 - 10 to 60 - 10 to 60 - 30 to 100 - 5 to 230 - 50 to 200 Colour White Black Bei g e Gre y Blue Brown Yellow Black blue Shore hardness A (鰱5) Din 3555 52 55 42 60 60 60 60 70 52 Ph y sical Common use Irregular surface condition Handling of hot products Hot products with no...

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Suction cups - 7

Robotics' suction cups > Moulded suction cups >

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e (H-h) D H h d i W Volume cm3 Weight g 120 35 32 3 1/4 8 21 60 120CMU en kg 阘D Nitrile Silicone Natural Caoutchouc Polyurthane 120 30,00 - 20,00 32,00 Rf驩rences (NBR auto-extinguible, EPDM, Viton nous consulter) D Nitrile Silicone Natural Caoutchouc Polyurةthane 120 82.120.20.M14.1 - 82.120.30.M14.1 82.120.40.M14.1 >

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Robotics' suction cups > Moulded suction cups >

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Greasy stell plate handling High lateral accelerations Vertical handling Metal stamping, car body elements handling e(H-h) Weightg D H h d i W Volumecm3 40 29 20 9 1/4 12 17 8 42 60 45 32 13 1/4 17,5 21 29 13 >

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CMU in kg en Nitrane Reference Nitrane D 40 2,90 97.040.24.F14.1 60 7,00 97.060.24.F14.1 >

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Robotics' suction cups > Moulded suction cups > Round shape pieces gripping High flexibility of approach No spring fitting needed Gripping on inclined surfaces >

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Robotics' suction cups > Moulded suction cups > High flexibility Gripping of friable products Food industry It's also available in detectable silicone >

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Suction cup for eggs' gripping Food industry For only horizontal handling >

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Porous or/and fragile products No distortion allowed Food industry >

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Robotics' suction cups > Moulded suction cups > Bottles' gripping by "piqre" High lifting capacity flexibility of approach >

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Best flexibility, Rigid holding Positioning stops of the piece High flexibilty Parts to be turned up side down > 81P.088 LenghtL Widthl e (H-h) H h i Weightg 88 40 61 29 32 6 80 107 47 51,5 32 19,5 6 100 81P.107 Ces deux ventouses existent aussi avec clapet de slection permettant d'obturer la ventouse en absence de produit. CMU in kg Lenght Nitrile 88 3,00 107 3,50 References Lenght Feeler Nitrile 88 Oui 81P088.0M5.20.P 88 Non 81P088.0M5.20.0 >

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Robotics' suction cups > Moulded suction cups > Best precision, Rigid holding Positionning stops of the piece High flexibility of approach Parts to be turned up side down > 81P.088 Widthl e (H-h) Lenght H h i Weight g 88 40 61 29 32 6 80 107 47 51,5 32 19,5 6 100 81P.107 Ces deux ventouses existent aussi avec clapet de s驩lection permettant d'obturer la ventouse en absence de produit. CMU in kg >

Open the catalog to page 26

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