Catalog excerpts

For nearly a century Saft has been at theforefront of battery technology developmentand today leads the world in design,specification, manufacture and service of stand-by nickel-cadmium battery systems.Manufacturing plants throughout the world serve industry and commerce across five continents. In addition, Safts international networkassures professional advice, support andservice throughout the world. > As requirements varyenormously, our sales engineers work closely with you and yourdesign team from the start,defining the optimum batterysolution.We are part of your productfrom its...
Open the catalog to page 3
● Long lifetime ● Low life cycle cost > World industry uses nickel-cadmium batteries to assuresmooth, safe and efficient runningof critical applications, from small local emergency lighting duties tothe most powerful battery in the world, situated in Alaska. Lead components react with acidelectrolyte causing lead acidbatteries to deteriorate rapidly. This degradation is quicker in hightemperatures, with increased charge/discharge cycles, and indifficult operating conditions.Ni-Cds robust steel structure andsimple electrochemistry bring alkaline electrolyte into freecirculation around...
Open the catalog to page 4
Cost-efficient low maintenance > Ownership costs of a batteryinclude not only the initialinvestment in acquisition andinstallation, but also a provision tocover day-to-day operation andmaintenance.In the case of lead acid batteries,this can also include frequentreplacement and all the costsassociated with an unexpectedbattery failure.With its high reliability and longlife, the Ni-Cd battery can repayits initial investment within just5 years, whilst operating faithfully for up to 20+ years. By providing a choice of low, medium and highrate characteristics, plate technologies and cell...
Open the catalog to page 5
Saft AS, Osteraas Russia > Venezuela Corporacin INTELEC C.A.,Caracas Tel: +58 212 9631122 > Data in this document is subject to change without notice and becomes contractual only after written confirmation. Soci㖩t anonyme au capital de 31 944 000RCS Bobigny B 383 703 873Photo credits: B. Burr, Royalty Free/Corbis,驩 Digital Vision, Getty Images, E. Mullen, Photodisc, Pragma, Saft.Prepared by Arthur Associates Limited. >
Open the catalog to page 8All SAFT catalogs and technical brochures
Saft batteries for aircraft
8 Pages
Xcelion 6T
2 Pages
Ni-Cd Block battery range
32 Pages
Saft lithium batteries
16 Pages
1 Pages
SRX Ni-Cd battery
8 Pages
2 Pages
SRM+ Ni-Cd Battery
6 Pages
MRX Ni-Cd battery
8 Pages
Saft stationary batteries
8 Pages
Saft telecom batteries
8 Pages
Intensium Max
8 Pages
Smart VHT module datasheet
2 Pages
PV module datasheet
2 Pages
VHT 7/5 Cs
2 Pages
VH Cs 3200 XL
2 Pages
VH AA 1500
2 Pages
LM 17130
2 Pages
Li-SO2 range
2 Pages
LO 25 SX
2 Pages
G 04/3
2 Pages
LSH 14
2 Pages