Tapered roller bearings
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Catalog excerpts

Tapered roller bearings - 2

Single row tapered roller bearings Rodamientos cnicos 1.0/ Technical introduction Introduccin t䴩cnica 72 1.1/ Metric sries Sries m驩tricas 86 1.21 Inch sries Sries pulgadas 102 1.3/ Sp驩cial design bearings Srie especial 155 1.4/ Flange side bearings Rodamientos con valona 161 1.5/ U type bearings Rodamientos tipo U 165 1.6/ Steering Bearings Rodamientos de direccin 171

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Tapered roller bearings - 13

1.0 Technica! introdution / introduccion tecnica b) Limiting speed The speed limit is based on practical exprience and laboratory tests that takes into ac魭count the strength of the cage, lubrication, sealing function and centrifugal forces. Cages Fersa is able to supply cages made in different materials: - Pressed steel. - Synthetic materials such as polyamide PA 66. b) Limite de velocidad El limite de velocidad se basa en la experien-cia pr͢ctica y en las pruebas de laboratorio que toman en cuenta la solidez de la caja, el lubri-cante, la funcin de obturacin y las fuerzas centrifugales....

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Tapered roller bearings - 14

AssFersa Axle load 1 conditions Condicin de carga axial 1 0.5F., 0,5F,F Y. Y. » Total axle load on the bearing Carga axial total sobre el rodamiento m- h--~Y^ 0,5 F Equivalent dynamic radial load Carga radial dinamica 䄩quivalente si F. -*a rt P«= F Axle load 1 conditions CondiciĴn de carga axial 2 o^< MW Y. Y, " Total axle load on the bearing Carga axial total sobre el rodamiento SI F aL>«A F. p.= Fs a 0,5 F [4+ F Y, Equivalent dynamic radial load Carga radial dinmica quivalente K= F a F«n r'rA SI 0.5 FrA SI p.= ■"m 0,4F,+Y੄F, 81

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Tapered roller bearings - 17

1.0 T*ehn Ical IntratUBn / InteMuoaOn (Mntcj c) "New" melric sries nomenclature: New s镩ries for bearings included in the ISO 355 Standard. Dimensions with metric measure-ments. Օ Combined nomenclature with the ABMA inches system, c) Nomenclature "nuevas" sries de m-tricos: 驕 Nuevas sries de rodamientos inclui-dos en la norma ISO 355. Dimensiones con cotas m镩tricas. Nomenclatura combinada con el sis-tema de numeraciմn en pulgadas 120 ABMA. 4910 Réfrence number assgnedto conooenl/ Num駩ro de referencla asignado al componerrte Inner diameter o( the cne / Cfiametro rrtencr dH cono (mm) j...

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Tapered roller bearings - 104

1.6 Steering tapered roller bearings Rodamientos de direccin Description The set are design in according with one cup and one cage with the rollers where the angle of the rollers should respect the angle of the cup. Descripcin Este tipo de rodamientos se componen de un aro exterior y un conjunto interior compuesto por una jaula complementada con rodillos. Su aplicaci䴴n principal son las columnas de direcciʹn. ESI Bearing Tables Tablas de Rodamientos 173 AsS Fersa PI Bearings

Open the catalog to page 104
Tapered roller bearings - 110

AssFersa 6« «finit 1 Outer Ring 2 Inner Ring 3 Cage 4 Roller 5 Seal Thse bearings have approximately a 25° contact angle and are available in open and seated designs. Sealed bearings are lubricated for life, are maintenance-free and permit particu-larly bearings arrangements. Double row tapered roller bearings units with tapered rollers as rolling 譩lments are ad-justed for high axle load and accl驩ration and they are constructed with lubrication for life and defined preload. Double row tapered roller bearings from Fer-sa are spcial bearings and belong to sries F15000. 1 Aro exterbr 2 Aro...

Open the catalog to page 110
Tapered roller bearings - 111

02. Double row tapered roller bearings / Rodamientos cnicos de doble hilera Normal tolerances for radial bearings / Tolerancias para rodamientos radiales normales Bore diameter / Dimetro interior ow mm \im \m \m \m \m \m 10 18 0 -12 12 9 0 -120 15 100 0 18 30 0 -12 12 9 0 -120 18 100 0 30 50 0 -12 12 9 0 -120 20 100 0 50 80 0 -15 15 11 0 -150 25 100 0 80 120 0 -20 20 15 0 -200 30 100 -100 120 180 0 -25 25 19 0 -250 35 150 -150 180 250 0 -30 30 23 0 -300 50 150 -150 Double row tapered roller bearings can also be produced with non-standard tolerances, according to their specific application....

Open the catalog to page 111
Tapered roller bearings - 119

Examples of those applications are boring Ejemplos de esas aplicaciones son mesas de mill labis and plastic extruder drive. perforacin y exlrusoras de pl鴢stico. r r _ JZL_iQT Caracteristicas del rodamiento Bearing features Tolթrances The bore and outside diameter ol Fersa tapered roller thrust bearings type A are produced with the foflowing tolrances: Tolerancias Los diametros interior y exterior de los roda-mientos axiales de rodillos cnicos tipo A de Fersa. Se fabrican con las siguientes toleran鴭cias: Normal tolrances for thrust bearings / Tolerancias normales para rodamientos axiales Bwe...

Open the catalog to page 119

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