Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings
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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 1

A&S HÎJ Bearings 06/ Cylindrical roller bearings Rodamientos cilindricos v.

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 2

Cylindrical roller bearings Rodamientos cilindricos 6.1/ Standard cylindrical bearings Rodamientos cilindricos estndar 249 6.2/ Special cylindrical bearings Rodamientos cilindricos especiales 261 PI

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 4

6.1 Standard cylindrical bearings Rodamientos cilfndricos estndar Product Overview Introduccin Description / Descripciⴴn Design / Diseno 250 250 250 Bearing Features Caracterfsticas del Rodamiento Tolerances / Tolerancias Misalignement / Desalineacin Internai clearance / Juego Interno Speed / Velocidad Cages / Jaulas Load rating / Cargas Preffix/Suffix / Prefijos/Sufijos 252 252 254 254 254 254 255 255 Bearing Tables Tablas de Rodamientos 256 AsS Fersa Bearings

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 5

6.1 Standard cylindrical bearings / Rodamientos cilndricos estndar Introduccin Product overview / Description Cylindrical roller bearings feature high radial load capacity due to the fact that raceways and rollers are in linear contact. These bearings are well-suited for applications requiring heavy radial and impact loading. They are also appropriate for high-speed apͭplications, in that they can be machined very precisely due to their structure. Both inner or outer rings could be separated, which makes the assembly or disassem-bly easier. An interference assembly is also possible. Design...

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 6

A&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll N-type bearings have the following features: Caractersticas de los rodamientos tipo N: Two-flanged inner rings. Flat outer ring. Separable components. Adjustment with interference is possible. Dos pestanas de aro interior. Sin pestana en el aro exterior. Componentes desmontables. Ajuste con interferencia es posible. Both NU and N executions exhibit their best performance when used as free side bearings since they adjust to the shaft's axial move-ment relative to the housing position. NUP-type bearings have the following features: - Two-flanged outer ring....

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 7

6.1 SUnlant cjlrWtto»! bnttigi / RcdamNntoa elfndrfco» Mllna» The NUP bearings can carry a certain degree of axial loads in both directions. NJ-type bearings hve the following features: - Two-flanged outer ring. - One-flanged inner ring. Los rodamientos NUP pueden soportar un cier-to grado de carga axial en ambos sentidos. de los rode/nient - Dos pestaras en el aro exterior. - Une pestana en el aro interior. The NJ bearings can withstand axial load in just one direction. Fersa also manufactures special⯯y designed cylindrical roller bearings: The A type, and NR type characteristics are:...

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 9

6.1 Standard cylindrical bearings / Rodamientos cilfndricos standard Misalignment Fersa produces cylindrical roller bearings with modified geometry to minimize contact stresses between rollers and ring raceways. The ability of single row cylindrical roller bear-ings to accommodate angular misalignment of the inner ring with regards to the outer ring is limited between 2 and 4 angular minutes, depending also on bearing type and specification. Internai clearance Fersa single row cylindrical roller bearings are manufactured with normal radial clearance as standard, but most of the references...

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 10

A&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll Equivalent dynamic bearing load When cylindrical roller bearings are used as non-locating bearings, type N, NU, they are unable to support any thrust loads, therefore the applicable formula is: Carga dinmica equivalente del rodamiento Cuando los rodamientos de rodillos cilndricos se usan como rodamientos libres, tipo N, NU, ya que no pueden soportar cargas axiales, la formula aplicable es: P = Fr En el caso de los rodamientos con pestanas en aros interiores o exteriores, la carga din⮢mica equivalente del rodamiento debe calcularse como se detalla a continuaciʹn: P =...

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 16

6.2 Spcial cylindrical bearings Rodamientos cilndricos especiales Fersa is capable of designing, developing and Fersa es capaz de disenar, desarrollar y fabricar manufacturing cylindrical bearings according rodamientos de rodillos cilindricos de acuerdo to any client specifications (dimensions, toler- a cualquier especificaci鮴n del cliente (dimen- ances, radii...). These are called special bear- siones, tolerancias, radios...). Son los llamados ing series. rodamientos de series especiales Tablas de Rodamientos 262 A&S Fersa PI Bearings

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 18

A&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll Type / Tipo B B B B --- 1 D E F G H FLANGE 0 LOAD / CARGA (kN) SPEED / VELOCIDAD (rpm) TYPE REFERENCES REMARK / NOTA 0 VALONA DYNAMIC / DINMICA STAJIC / OIL / ACEITE GREASE / TIPO REFERENCIAS C Co na ng --- 33,3 25,9 16000 13000 D F 19055 Sp©cial type NJ / Tipo especial NJ --- 38,3 40,4 10000 8000 F F 19032 Full complement without outer ring / Relleno de rodillos sin anillo exterior 50,6 48,0 13000 10000 D F 19004 Special type NUP / Tipo especial NUP - 44,0 48,0 13000 10000 A F 19023 Snap ring in 0 D / Ranura en el aro exterior ח 47,4 42,0 13000 10000 D F 19029...

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 20

A&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll Type / Tipo B - S S b ?77zk "D B B 3 a -ol Q Si S d e f g h FLANGE 0 LOAD / CARGA (kN) SPEED / VELOCIDAD (rpm) TYPE REFERENCES REMARK / NOTA 0 VALONA DYNAMIC / DINMICA STAJIC / OIL / ACEITE GREASE/ TIPO REFERENCIAS C Co na ... 124,2 104,0 5000 4000 A F 19006 Full compl©ment + Snap ring in 0 D Relleno de rodillos + Anillo elstico en 0 D ... 143,8 136,5 5000 4000 D F 19013 Full Complement + Special Inner Ring/ Relleno de rodillos + Anillo interior especial ... 124,3 110,2 8000 6000 E F 19033 Internal snap ring / Anillo elstico interior ... 106,0 97,3 8000 6000 E F...

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Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings - 22

::A&sFersa8 Bearings K^Sll Type / Tipo B 77777/ ?777f/ "D _ 1 B 3 a -ol Q Si S D E F G H FLANGE 0 LOAD / CARGA (kN) SPEED / VELOCIDAD (rpm) TYPE REFERENCES REMARK / NOTA 0 VALONA DYNAMIC / STATIC / OIL / ACEITE GREASE / TIPO REFERENCIAS DINMICA ESTTICA GRASA C Co na ng 116,000 114,4 108,0 6000 5000 B F 19011 Outer Ring Flanged / Anillo exterior con pestana --- 150,9 154,0 6000 5000 A F 19042 Snap ring in 0 D / Ranura en el aro exterior --- 143,8 144,4 6000 5000 D F 19047 Special Outer Ring in Type NUP 127,5 137,2 6000 5000 C F 19016 Special without outer ring / Especial sin anillo exterior...

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